BSG Report, Part 2 - BeatBSG Pay attention to the plant upgrade options as well. For your company to stand out, it should ideally have an image rating of 70 and above. . 1. It is usually best to repurchase stock at the beginning, when your stock prices are relatively low. It makes sense to do the upgrade before adding capacity. No worries, it will be easier after the first few years. Those that havent played the BSG Online yet and are researching online for every advantage they can find. Select +2% for the Percent Change in Competitive Impact of All Other Factors from Previous Year. In addition, the company resembles an athletic footwear company with plant operations instead of outsourcing . My group and I are also playing the new version of the game and were little bit lost. Exactly. I would then adjust the Percentage of Superior Materials to whatever is needed to match my S/Q Rating with the value plugged in on the Sales Forecast page. You might think that using green footwear materials or using recycled boxing / packaging is a good decision, especially with the currently ongoing environmental debates. Two of the most important things to do here are analyzing your competition and optimizing your values. These are the tools you need to win BSG. If this scares you, it should. On initial input of the change there was a big boost to my numbers, but when I left the page the game suddenly dropped my numbers below my original ones. However, do not rely on those values. It was set Pay Dividends $1.00, which turned out 20,000k in total. Sometimes thats cutting expenses, sometimes thats increasing expenses (even though it might not make sense at first). Your numbers might be a little bit off due to the reject rates. The knowledge to exasperate competitor weaknesses and curb competitor strengths lies in the strategic knowledge in the model. Whether a member is suggesting a different. I took first in the world seven out of ten decision rounds and won the BSI again when my MBA program used the McGraw Hill Business Strategy Game simulation as a learning tool also. Is there a system to beating the game? What I like about my strategy is that you do not necessarily have to keep an eye on your competitors. Again, maximizing net profit is all you care about with our strategy determined at the beginning. You can do this by paying off your loans at the earliest possible time. Dont let them beat you to it or you simply wont stand achance. In the case where other competitors are employing this strategy; strive to be the first team to get the most points. In the upper right box, you can spend your excessive cash. But do whatever is necessary to maximize your profits. On this page, you will optimize your entries and toggle each value until your reach the maximum profit possible for each entry. The BSG tends to underestimate those values by about 20% and hence, you need to correct them for a more precise estimate. In the Private-Label Production field, use all your remaining available capacity, even overtime. The FREE BLOGcovers topics like. Do this for all four regions. I will talk about the Celebrity Endorsements page later. Those are LEARNING REFERENCES written bycommonplace Industry Champions, which teach you how toplay. and A-P plant, focus on your Total Branded Production Needed to Achieve Year XX Sales Forecast section on the lower half of the page. Personally, I would do a higher SQ to start things out while you are building capacity to match the low quality-high model approach. That being said, when you go with the strategy explained in my post, you will have maximized profits. What is this Currency Made Easy! However, it will also decrease your ending cash. Skip the fancy words so many other guides drone on about BSG, andget down to real execution of business strategy. construction cost to be financed with debt. Just plug in numbers and note down your net profit values. Authorize your construction and you save your decisions. Looking at the North America column, you now have to plug in your values for Wholesale Price, S/Q Rating, Models Available, etc. In addition, your Retail Outlets values should always be the highest number possible that you are allowed to enter. I put $1.00 pay dividends, which turned out 20,000k in total. These games often involve managing resources, making . The Business Strategy Game is a real world - real life management simulator where students BSG login to learn about essential business concepts like cost focused strategy, broad differentiation strategy, generic strategy, focused differentitation strategy, and low cost strategy. Thank you in advance! On this decision page, you can bid on celebrities. I promise you my techniques and tips are fully replicable and have kept me theundefeatedall theseYears! (In Y11, I did the 5-year loan with 12,000k (7% interest). A celebrity endorsing your product offers a big boost to product awareness, helps a brand penetrate new regions thus acquiring new market shares, and can drive up sales. If for whatever reason you arent satisfied with the guide, return it anytime for a full refund. Increase models? Hence, try to keep your internet price at least 40% higher than your wholesale price. Sounds good, congrats! It almost worked TOO WELL. Understanding all these reports will help you stay ahead of your competition as well as come up with the strategies that will enable you to perform better in the simulation. The end result counts. Everything else like earnings per share (EPS), return on equity (REO), and image rating (IR) will automatically follow. Develop a fictional startup in a choice of industries, playing in modes including entrepreneur, business war or Virtonomics tycoon. Let me walk you through the various decision pages and explain you how to optimize each entry. I suggest to go for maximum profits. You might agree to disagree in the process but each member should always be given a clear avenue to express their thoughts that are based on their research. In the instance where a plant is available for purchase, buying one would be the ideal option because you will be able to save time and up to 20% of the money that would have otherwise been used to build one. If you have beginning inventory from last year (you did not sell all your shoes), try and use the Inventory Clearance option in the lower half of the page. This enhances the marketing efforts for the brand. So when following the steps described above, you will have positive ending cash really soon again. In my opinion, I believe the other teams are thinking on exploit the private label. As a company wants to be in every market, it will be important to . Emerging on top of this simulation can be quite a challenge. my advice would be to read my guide and follow the steps. Try out different combinations that keep you at 8* and the highest possible net profit. Emerging on top of this simulation can be quite a challenge. Use of my strategy creates a landslide effect that, as you can see, is very devastating to all opponents. Otherwise, their endorsement effect declines. Hi Dennis. It typically keeps increasing until a certain price point and then starts to drop. I dont understand why it did this as this capacity was unused and there was upside to having it as my production was max out for the demand. Best Business Simulation Games of 2022 - Business News Daily I like to have around $8-10 million ending cash available after all my decisions are made. Advantage of this is, that you dont have to pay too much attention to your competitors. 6 Effective Business Simulation Games Teaching Strategies These Business Strategy Games Teach You to Plan Ahead With this, they raised the global capacity to 30,000 when the potential global demand (including private label) is only 24,218. After you have done this, you repeat the same procedure for Europe-Africa and Asia-Pacific with the A-P plant because it is cheapest to ship shoes from A-P to E-A. In the first years, the estimate of the industry average might be a little off the +2%. Here's a free video of things to watch out for while you are running your shoe company and competing in the BSG. So where to look at this thing, as soon as you start the BSG Online Game. Dont believe us, just try below. Weve heard countless horror stories of students not taking the BSG seriously and failing the course as a result. However, keep in mind that your regional endorsement value should not be higher than 400 in any region. Strategies, decision screens, reports and tests. After you have calculated the manufacturing volume for each region, add up your N.A. Once you have enough capacity then switch to low SQ approach. Oh, how I wish I had known all this before I began playing. Currently, were selling 150 models. Hi! PS: I do the 5-year-loan 12,000k in Y11 (7% interest); In year 12, I paid #1 Long-Term (early payment) 12k at 8.2% AND borrow 70,000k 5-year-loan at 4.5%. When starting the BSG, you have two long-term loans; one for 5 years, the other one for 10 years. A window should pop up where you can select each of the four regions and change the industry average S/Q rating and competitive impact. Now, I am worried about the future rounds. The Business Strategy Game BSG is a PC-based exercise designed to mirror the real-world features of the competitive athletic footwear industry. Please post any information pertaining to: strategies, tips, final presentations, case studies, quizzes, etc. Strategies, decision screens, reports and tests. Business Strategy Game Tips & Lessons Learned - YouTube If I have cash available after doing all my decisions, I like to alternate between building additional capacity, purchasing plant upgrades, paying off loans and repurchasing stock in the following years. What Poker Strategists Say Poker is an incredibly strategic game and as such, there's a lot to learn from its big players. I will walk you through each page chronologically. No spam ever. I have placed this manual and an easy-to-use currency spreadsheet on this site for you. Thank you! However, the private-label market is set up the way that only a limited demand is given each year. The BSG Game went through a major revision in the beginning of 2019. Now you begin to understand why I earlier said, that if you use overtime for branded production, you should expand your plant capacity for the next year. You will need those numbers later on. You can also pay dividends to your shareholders. That its always wise to start out on the right foot rather than try to pull yourself out of a financial nosedive. While those two values do not change your S/Q rating, they will change your net profits. Hence, keep track of the industrys internet price and how it changes. One time, I was able to increase my net profit by lowering TQM / Six Sigma Quality Program to $0.20 and increasing Percentage of Superior Materials to maintain my S/Q Rating. How can I increase my game score? This means, without increasing your superior material or enhanced styling / features, you gain 1 star. As always, do not forget to save your decisions after you are done. So for our strategy, it should be 7 stars at the beginning. I dont know why the game suddenly changed your numbers but I recommend using every last bit of your capacity. To be an Industry Champion, you just have to beat your classmates but to be a Business Strategy Game Grand Champion you have to BEAT every single Industry Champion thats won the Business Strategy Game. If this is still not enough, add the missing shoes to the other plants Branded Pairs to be Manufactured in Year XX number. Before you even start plugging in any numbers, it is important that you decide for a strategy to pursue for the game. It has two components. If it increases your profits, leave it at Yes, otherwise set it to No. Global Top Performers Yes, despite your competitors building capacity as well, I recommend increasing capacity in a reasonable amount. This will lead to greater visibility for your company and thus a boost in the image rating. So if one of your markets is not satisfied or prices are high, I would built capacity to attack this market and sell a lot of shoes for a cheap price, to guarantee you the lowest price so that you sell all your offered shoes. You will have secret access to private areas of the site and get to ask questions with my personal expert replies. MyNewVideo Guide leaves nothing to the imagination. This is very helpful. Again, this can be trial and error for a couple of decisions but you should get a feeling for what multiplier is best for your company. Again, trying out different combinations and optimizing net profits is key for these values. As a Business Strategy Game Grand Champion, I have been responsible for burying many Industry Champion competitors and I have to say, its not hard. When you are deciding whether to upgrade your plant capacity, time is an essential factor. Max OUTyour production with the high quality shoes at the lowest possible cost. You can still ship pairs from LA to somewhere else if needed. These two products combine with empower you to win the BSG with very little effort.These two guides are PACKED with tons of Business Strategy Game tips, hints, strategies, advice, and guidance.There is no other substitute on the internet today that comes close to competing with these two products. So I have plant in NA, EA and AP, but right now I am only using 70% of the capacity because the demand is quite small for me. . I always went with 500 every second year, but it depends on your market and competitors. Using Game Strategies to Get Ahead in Business - CEO Hangout I did not forget it, but we will take a look at it later. I recommend building additional 1,000 capacity for the North American plant in the first year, if your cash balance allows it. Business Strategy Game (BSG) Helpful Tips!!! - YouTube My undergraduate business strategy teacher made us play the BSG-Online simulation for 40% of our grade. BSG 2017 - Business Strategy Game - Guide How To Win - V2 congrats on your success! You have to dissect your competition and forecast their every move. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I only ever paid attention to my profits and I never ever sold capacity. Stick in your e-mail address, and the tips guide will be in your inbox instantly. If youre like most students though, you just want to win the Business Strategy Game, be crowned Industry Champion, get the grade, and move on with your life. Learn tips & tricks, from a BSG Grand Master! So for the last year I didnt stick to the rule that the internet price has to be 40% higher than the wholesale price. Definitely helps! Hi. Steal my conservative private label strategy that and immunize your company from bankruptcy. Business Strategy Game Tips - . I will just adjust it first and see what happens, thanks a lot:). A McGraw-Hill Business Strategy Game Online Expert, Copyright 2023 Win The Business Strategy Game Online Powered by Wordpress, W3 Total Cache & Cloudflare, Business Strategy Game Quiz 1 Study Guide, Business Strategy Game Quiz 2 Equation Cheats, New Glo-Bus Simulation Game Quiz 1 Answers, New Glo-Bus Simulation Game Quiz 2 Answers, Buy The Business Strategy Game Guide for $29.99, Tips and equations to make the quizzes easier, An easy to understand tutorial on exchange rates, tariffs, interest rates, and how to utilize them to your advantage, YouTube Videos on how to play the game and learn the software as quickly as possible, An distilled version of the players guide to save you a lot of time. But I found ZERO helpful information online. Is your strategy also works for my situation? The business level strategy used can be replicated by anyone and is so brain-dead simple that you are destined to win if you apply these techniques. Then, after a lot thought on the matter, I devised an easy method for taking full advantage of currency fluctuations. If you find capacity available for purchase, I would always directly purchase it. I see this every semester, and you dont want it to be you. For the upgrade option C is the one to raise 1 star, but the actual cost it can save me every year is not a lot, should I still do that? Aim to dominate at least a quarter of the market share in every geographical area of your companys operations. So your costs will be relatively low as well and the private label will be a very important factor of yours. Do this for all the four regions. So, multiply your sales volume for the wholesale segment for each region by 1.2. Company operations are patterned after Look over the shoulder of a Business Strategy Game Grand Champion and see how he pulled off his overwhelming victory. The first is the paid guide. as I described in my post, Id go with the low models, maximum profit strategy as it is easy to follow and you determine the market. Everyone has the same advantage as the team next to them. Even more important is, to stick to it! While you already have a good estimate of how many shoes you are going to sell in each region, you still need to consider your rejected pairs during production. This is why building additional capacity is so important. You will soon know why. It is important to toggle your values and find the best combination to maximize your net profit. Buy Now with PayPal. However, do not forget to calculate your possible additional expenses for your celebrities. 4. The guide also features step by step instructions in how to manage decision screens in making the best decision. Any advice? You then want to select 0% as the Portion of the $XX mil. This free website and paid guide are a collection of the strategies I have used myself while winning the Business Strategy Invitational multiple times, seen work by my competitors at the highest level of play, and implemented on dozens of teams Ive personally coached.