Van Impe started taking classes in the 3rd or 4th year of existence. To the schools credit they were an accredited institution in 1960, after bought by Tyndale. As to the unnamed person that Im to politically correct to name. Not sure what this was in response to though the word logos is not as simple as written word. Yes, indeed, it is, for those who care to be discerning. Prepare for this event in your life! For example, the number of credit hours required to obtain your given degree. But heartfelt faith in Christ does: With the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Rom. How is that a good thing? Very few times did I ever see my mother lying down in the daytime. Honorary doctorate in divinity from Oral Roberts University. However, the Scripture does affirm that the fool has said in his heart there is no God. I found the Jack Van Impe program with his wife Rexella speaking. I just didnt realize how pervasive. Both of you were a gift to the world from the Lord. Ironically, of all the televangelists on this list you were probably the one least needing a fake degree. Can God still use them? Uhhhh, have you read Jude lately? (. Thats a problem, folks. I'm against the practice of awarding them, Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva, About International Evangelist Perry Stone - Voice of Evangelism - Perry Stone Ministries, Welcome to Jack Van Impe Ministries International, Honorary degree - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Diploma mill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Timothy Whitmore-Wolf, Ph.D, CISSP | LinkedIn, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. Failure to do so makes one complicit with their wrong. Jack Van Impe Converts to Catholicism!! - The Puritan Board You can find various comments on her plastic surgery rumors online and I will quote one of them: The other night I couldnt sleep so I checked the Christian channels to see if anything was on. She would have devised a strategy. Theres no new revelation coming forth from God. And when missionaries came to town, there was always room for them at our house. They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them (Isaiah 65:21 23). Oteros education is actually listed in abundant locations. She had been living in an assisted living center that she had chosen as a place to minister. (. Rhema () also is a bit more nuanced. This is why no one takes them seriously. She had gorgeous platinum-gray hair, a lovely complexion, clear blue eyes that could look deep within a person, and a magnetic smile that drew people to her. However, the listing is not quite as in-depth due to limited time for research. Earned Doctor of Ministry fromWestern Baptist Theological Seminary, now called Western Seminary. How are these ministers being liars or doing something wrong when their degree is legitimate in the eyes of the state government? Earned BA in (unknown), from Azusa Pacific University (. A JD takes two to three years. By Dr. Rexella Va By Dr. Rexella Van Read more about impe, rexella, prophecy, donkey, christian and gospel. They are accredited by one of the organizations listed on the fake list of accreditation teams. The Newsmax article was not based on academics. He ran for office once and did not get elected.) No one would say hes not worthy of a J.D., even though he never had a formal education. Joel Olsteen learned this the hard way; Oprah and the world gang demanded a different stance on same-sex relationships than the stance that Paul (and Christ) had on them. There are only two types of people alive today: those who are born again and those who are not. Of course those who do will make claims that their qualifications, institutions and inspirations are adequate, if not self applied. His theological training came at Southwestern Bible Institute near Dallas where he was President of his class and a member of the College Concert Choir. Rexella Van Impe was born on November 29, 1932 and is 90 years old now. Here is the about blurb from the BCU website. How he earned a doctoral degree without a masters degree is a mystery. Generally and over all. Sadly, your credentials are straight made up. They want to tie the persons name to that school for marketing new students. She would have created the banquet that Esther prepared. from Detroit Bible Institute, which then turned in to William Tyndale College, and more recently is no longer an active school. Talbot is indeed a legitimate school and we applaud him for getting a real degree from a real school. I personally really like you T D. Youre a straight talker. The wheat; and the chaff. He is obviously a man who studies. I am offended by anybody who has an unearned doctorate, even if it is from an accredited university. The BETRAYAL of CHRISTIANITY , by Jack Van Impe. Their followers are like lost sheep who do not have the ability to discern actual truth from fantasy. For all Perrys claimed hours of bible study, he fails to recognize false teachers when hes talking to them (the ones Ive mentioned, along with others, such as Paula White.) I goofed on that organization. No matter what any school claims Nobody can achieve a 12 year education in one year. To anonymous user 4.224../Mike walker1/whatever name you choose next, or anyone else who belives Rexella deserves her own article: we need verifiable external material (that is, non-Wikipedia, reputable, published sources) that asserts Rexella's encyclopedic value independent of her husband and his show. * Political Leader & Consultant (Not really true. I am by no means an expert or a scholar, but I DO know the Greek alphabet, I have a fairly decent understanding of the accents and the declentions, but anyone can conduct reasonably accurate word-studies with the lexicons and the interlinears, and I DO encourage people to do that. As a university professor, the author taught seventeen different courses, authored six college textbooks and was selected for the Honor Societys teaching award and membership in a national Education Honorary. So, though he may have the title, in the years I followed him, everyone called him brother. But thats a component of deception. Jewish blood flowed in the Rhine Valley from the swords of zealous Crusaders who t hought their killing was in the will of God. NEW! Lot of 2 DRS JACK/REXELLA VAN IMPE DVD Sets ~ False Prophets (. What a shame that parents would misdirect their children so. She never yelled, and I never felt a slap. You dont understand the issue. Liberty has real classes with real professors who require real academic work. See for yourself: ure=related Add your Vote: 0 Comments Of course it all depends on the school. (, Earned B.A. He known for having large sections of the Bible memorized but no one told ol Jack that memorization is not the same as education. Oh I just figured it out. David is a blatant liar when it comes to education. According to Wikipedia, Dr Riplinger uses her initials to stand for God and Riplinger: Each discovery was not the result of effort on my part, but of the direct hand of God so much so that I hesitated to even put my name on the book. (. In 2001, Dr. Van Impe and his wife, Rexella, were awarded the Ig Nobel Astrophysics prize, for their discovery that black holes fulfill all the technical requirements to be the location of Hell. Never have I seen such a trumped up bio from a collection of nothing. (. Jack and Rexella Van Impe bring the light of Scripture to be ar on exactly what He is known from his weekly bible interpretation television series. They presented her with a crown that she wore for the day, and took her picture and put it in a frame that was engraved Queen Esther.. (1997). Worry about your own salvation! So very sad. Professors are not given a curriculum to teach. Nothing they produce is respected in the world of higher education. Please, at least admit that there is indeed such a thing as academic stupidity. Rexella Van Impe Plastic Surgery Before and After Pictures The author is in several editions of Whos Who, and was invited to be a member of Presidents Reagans Citizen Ambassador Program as a representative to Russia. So, basically, everyone in the world can see that he has a fake degree, and he doesn't care. Dr. VanImpe was born February 9, 1931, in Freeport, Michigan, to Oscar and Marie Louise VanImpe. Thanks! He doesnt exegete scripture. Changes in her physical appearance are obvious, her face seems tight and there are minimum wrinkles for a woman her age. She is an actress and writer with an experience in American Television industry. But a wise person doesnt need to create fake credentials. Please do not even try to associate Liberty University with all of these diploma mills. Forgiveness for sin is available: . from Friends International Christian University(FICU). My mother, Esther, was very resourceful too. in Ministry from Circleville Bible College, now calledOhioChristian University, which is an actual school (. The amount of people in the world with honorary degrees just for being famous is ridiculous. He searches for signs, miracles, experiences, omens, patterns, codes, repetitions, etc., that others havent recognized, then preaches it as truth. 3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brothers eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Some of the ones you discuss may mean well, they may have a burden for souls, but the love of this world will demand priority at some point. Mother bestowed upon me the richest and most beautiful legacy that any daughter could have received. in Education Administration from the University of North Texas. I have been watching you for over 20 years and I wish that he was here to see what is happening now with what all is going on in this day and time. the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin (1 John 1:7). "Just a Cup of Coffee, Please!". Today, Rexella is 83 years old. Any pastor that calls themselves doctor but doesnt actually have an earned doctorate thats accredited should be sued for fraud. And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious (Isaiah 11:9,10). She is also known for America's Future (2002), Day Eight: Planet Earth Forever and The Mark of the Beast. TTS is a diploma mill based out of Newburg, Indiana and once had some distance learning classes in Liverpool. Is that a fluff degree? Earned M.A. Not long ago I picked up the New Testament she kept by her chair. Don't let your family and church be deceived! * Insurance Senior Executive (Not sure why this matter. Queen Esther must have had great inner beauty and inner strength to help deliver her people, the captive Israelites, from the evil plans of those who wanted to destroy them. Thats before even getting accepted. Yet, the whole point of this discussion is that there are so many out there claiming fake degrees. When Jack and I got married, I joined him traveling in evangelism. If you cant have credentials just fake them, and when someone catches you just make excuses about why traditional educational institutions are bad. Who cares if they have a degree or not, I dont listen to them anyway, anymore I should say. Why would any legitimate preacher need to fake doctorate? February 27, 2023 Email Newsletter. Its one of the most dubious Televangelist scams of all time. The death of Christ on the cross fulfilled all the righteous demands of the law. Believe it or not but many preachers do actually have doctorates. None of them require any doctoral research or a dissertation. Also note, that just like Joyce, he was given both an earned doctorate and an honorary doctorate without having ever completed any prior college degree. They dont even have a campus. Maybe. Gamaliel in Acts 5 and he was and unsaved Pharisee. According to the source above he also earned a B.A, an M.A., and a Doctorate, but his website failed to say where they were earned from. Just like the pharisees of old who loved to strut around in fancy garments, making long prayers and being in cohorts with the Roman governmentso too do these long for the admiration of peers, and important position and rank. The funny thing is they have names remarkably similar to actual universities that ARE credible. Southwestern Assemblies of God University (now regionally accredited) was then named Southwestern Bible Institute (accredited by a recognized Bible college agency). As far as I can tell he only holds an honorary Doctorate from ORU. Perhaps the Bible best describes her in Proverbs 31:28, 29Her children arise up, and call her blessedMany daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Honorary Doctorate from Indiana Christian University and Liberty University. But does she look like an 83 year old woman? Religious persecution has come from religious rulers as often as from atheists in power. First off, good catch on spotting the mistake of the co-authors. It can be yours through faith in Jesus Christ: Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. Any atheist is a fool. For religious institutions, in particular, claiming the moral high ground not to address this, is disgraceful. Radical Islamic terrorism is the greatest threat to civilization in the 21st Century. (. I received some of my best and most rewarding education from Liberty. 9 times our of 10 its just marketing. No surprise there. 53:6). I now take you by faith as my own Savior and Lord. I think in general that honorary doctorates do not quality any one to use the Dr. tag. me again, Oct 12, 2013 #16 RAM PhD Member me again said: The treaty will be broken after three and one-half years. Jack Van Impe Ministries P.O. God is the God of loopholesI have found to be true. Brand-new video teaching from Drs. Congregational numbers, and potential walk-aways, preacher rankings and potentially lower collections be damned.There will be homosexuals in heaven. Oops, that second scam will get you in trouble with the IRS. That is true. Perry is really one of the only humble men on the list that decided to stop putting Dr. on his name, even though early on I witnessed him using the prefix. So I knelt down beside her and said, Mom, you told me not to do this thing, but I did., Oh, Rexella, she said gently, when did you do that?, With tears streaming down my face, I replied, About three months ago!, Oh, honey, she said, Im so sorry you had to bear that all alone for three months.. Usually when I write posts some of the information is by memory and some I look up. Add in the easy to blow up idea that the Bible is the perfect word of God and you have a silly group of religious basket cases refusing to investigate the claims for fear theyll lose their faith. Rexella Van Impe, born on November 29, 1932 in Missouri. Give me an excellent independent, unaccredited Bible college any day over these liberal religious institutions. Earned M.A & PhD. Otherwise, stop purporting to be something youre not. This is about mega wealthy people taking advantage of people by pretending to be educated. Of what ? Most D.Min programs focus on pastoral ministry only. In fact, most seminaries use text books from dozens of other schools. Huh???? Jack Van Impe Obituary (1931 - Springfield, MA | The Republican Now, if a televangelist got an honorary doctorate from an accredited theological seminary or a well respected school of theology I would not include them in the list. (, The University of West Georgia seems to currently be accredited by two agencies. If you want a doctorate, do what I didnight after night of working until 4:00 AM, then going to work the next day, research, writing, peer review, defense. Defying congress! She was previously married to Jack Van Impe. I couldnt help but smile at thatQueen Esther! They laugh all the way to the bank with peoples money. Also, the tone I took in this piece is anything but politically correct. I assume it was a standard D.Min program and that his focus was in those 3 areas. The enemy of our souls will exploit our love for this world to change doctrines. tammy pescatelli master's degree; disadvantages of police body cameras; world record springbok. Is that not calling the kettle black? A growing number of accredited Bible colleges are becoming too worldly because they are beholden to the federal government that feeds them $$$$s through FASFA. I can only say that every message good or bad serves as a lesson and reminder as James 3:1 says. She managed to stay calm and collected, inwardly serene, through very trying circumstances. By Dr. Rexella Va Its the biggest and most well known accrediting agency. My mother could have been there. This is terrifying. Who is Rexella Van Impe dating? Rexella Van Impe boyfriend, husband One requires a person to understand ancient customs and traditions and languages. rexella van impe | From the desk of The Codger Earned unknown B.A. by his college alma mater. Accreditation has nothing to do with WHAT is being taught. Do you have the Christ in your soul, mind and heart ? I understand that sometimes an honorary degree is given to honor a great person or a lifetime of great work in a field. Rexella Van Impe talks about losing her husband, Televangelist Jack Van Impe, and the influence his religious doctrine had in the world. I think youre correct Ed. Sorry thought I provided that. (TAC), United Christian College Accreditation Association (UCCAA) (Divine Heart), United States Distance Education & Training Council of Nevada (NOTE: A similarly titled agency, the Distance Education & Training Council (DETC), of Washington, D.C., is a VALID and RECOGNIZED online learning accreditation agency. I am sure Ludwig Otto and his followers are nice people and they believe they are providing the world a service. I just happened to click on your list and I want to correct your comments regarding Hal Lindsey co-authoring the Left Behind Series. You are ignorant and still in your sins. That is a fact and I make no apologies for warning people about these wolves in sheeps clothing. She not only knew the name of every person in the place, but she also knew each individuals burden and prayer requests. It is where one Mark T. Barclay says on his ministrys website he attained degrees from. The Jews would have compared it to the concept of the all-knowing and powerful wisdom of God that holds the universe together. $29.99 + $3.65 shipping. Studied at Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary (. Liberty was ranked by Newsmax as the # 1 evangelical university in the world. Those who agree and support you we are the wheat. But I was talking about religious people using religious (fake) degrees in a religious environment. Would you call a Dmin from an ATS seminary fluff? Lot of 2 DRS JACK/REXELLA VAN IMPE DVD Sets ~ False Prophets & Pope Francis at the best online prices at eBay! Or a RA seminary fluff? Jack is just a nutjob. I have an earned doctorate. Am I a world evangelist now?) Rexella Van Impe was born on November 29, 1932 in Missouri, USA. He even claims to be the decedent of the Levitical Jews and is studying DNA at his current job as a professor at the same fake college that he graduated from. Kenny Russell runs a profitable Hebrew Roots program. Basically it said if Mozart, Beethoven, and Lincoln could be considered in my mind worthy of honorary degrees, the body of Christ moreso, because we affect nations, economies, and spritual life and death. Why not just use the degree as a knowledge base and get a real one in the process if you feel you need one to preach the Gospel? He was the only one to realize that no-one cares if televangelists have credentials. Even though it is a real school today, it did not receive ANY accreditation until 2006 when it was changed to Ohio Christian University. Earned PhD in Theology, from Life Christian University(LCU). They gave him the robe with the three chevrons, but he never, ever asked that he be called Doctor, and the honorary degree wasnt referred to in his church bulletins. Ranking in size is not the same as ranking in academics. I dont understand how anyone can take her seriously. Kinda sickens me that they lie like that. John Hagees diploma from Assemblies of God University probably needs more research and clarification. But fake schools are still fake schools. The Jews have waited long for peace in their land, and it will come to Israel. accessed ), memorial page for Rexella Mae Shelton Van Impe (29 Nov 1932-unknown), Find a Grave . The only thing perhaps more pathetic than unearned degrees from unaccredited schools is someone that lists they have a B.A., MBA, and PhD. from a school that doesnt even exist. Add another using ..DR.. Who is totally not a dr of anything She smiled and patted my hand. Regardless, its still an honorary PhD. You dont get 12 years of education in 5 unless its a garbage institution. dr rexella van impe degree - One reason God blessed Jack and me in our ministry is because my mother prayed. He also taught us that if you dont want to pay taxes then just dont pay them. That region of the country does not have a lot of colleges to begin with. However, that does not mean that it was accredited before the name change and even if it were, Creflos degree had nothing to do with Christian Theology or even a related field. Sponsored. Yes, she (yes, its a she, hidden by using only initials, because in her circles a she lacks the standing of a he to teach about the Bible) has an earned doctorate in home economics. There are a number of fundamentalist sites warning of Van Impe's compromise with Rome. As I studied the Hebrew letters I answered in the negative and the pastor reached over and turned the page upright. Her birth sign is Sagittarius. But God called me a Christian Strategist(had never heard the term, but now that I have seen another, I am relieved). No one said you needed a degree just that having fake ones is deceptive. And she devised a way to counter the evil plot of her enemies and save her people. I have so many rich memories of our long talks, the godly advice she shared, the unique phrases I never heard anyone else say but her. Masters in Divinity, Trinity Theological Seminary Indiana/University of Liverpool ENG. 10:10). Your statement that Accredited colleges are government-protected monopolies that overcharge innocent young people for liberal indoctrination is absurd. Love your work. Thank you for this wonderful message it is food for the body spirit and soul it is good to know that our Jesus will be returning soon and every eye shall see him praises to the king Amen! Consequently, I used G. A. Riplinger, which signifies to me, God and Riplinger God as author and Riplinger as secretary.[1] David Cloud calls this statement amazing and frightful, and says that even the most radical charismatic prophets hesitate to use such intemperate language. The promise of the prophets will be fulfilled. Rexella Van Impe - Celebrity Age Wiki But often they are also given simply as a means to use someone for PR. Now that misrepresented verse has a way of backfiring in all directions, so whats wrong with a person wanting to go to a program for knowledge would and should be the question, however in this case I dont care what all those folk listed above do as I choose not to listen to them any longer as I have continues my quest for knowledge within the scriptures. I am also a ordained minister and I am studying bible prophecy and I was inspired by watching both of you. But compared to a Phd its clearly less rigorous. Youre going to turn out just fineyoull see! What about hiring a structural engineer to check your house with only an honorary degree? They have steep GRE requirements, and significantly more requirements to graduate. . She knew where she was going all of her life, and I never knew her to waver. No one ever cares if a faith healer is educated, just if he is anointed. He keeps people coming back for a fresh word from the Lord. Gods words have not grown stale. T: 248-852-2244 Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by anngriffin777, Oct 11, 2013. But everyone on this lihad with honorary degrees got them from diploma mills or from joke schools like Oral Roberts. 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brothers eye. However, there is a quote of hers that may have something to do with the speculations: Unlike the cosmetic changes that people sometimes make to camouflage and cover up what they feel is not right about themselves , Gods makeover transforms individuals completely, changing them from the inside out.. Liberty University is an actual accredited university and they are currently the largest Christian university in the world! * Internationally Acclaimed Author (How many books sold? While he may have two actual real earned degrees, he does NOT have an earned doctorate degree. Who Is Rexella Van Impe's Husband? (, They claim that SOME credits MIGHT transfer to real schools Based on information provided by alumni and the institution, many colleges and universities have accepted transferred credits and degrees from Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary., PhD candidate in Doctor of Religious Studies, Trinity Southwest University and is currently as PH.D candidate(, TSU us is another non-accredited school yet is tries to sound accredited. Booby Palooka You are just a poor, stupid fool. Renowned evangelist and Bible prophecy expert Dr. Jack Van Impe, 88, was welcomed home to heaven on Saturday, January 18, 2020 received by the blessed Savior and Lord he had faithfully served. Faking a degree is the same as lying Which is not how a Christian minister is supposed to operate. I did a web search for Dr. Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world (John 1:29). Also making money isnt a sin ! Like the beautiful queen of Bible times, my mother, Esther, was skilled at finding solutions and a place to be of service. So, how much is Rexella Van Impe worth at the age of 90 years old? The author of this article is more than likely a leftist religious bigot with problems with people of faith (namely those who done pray or vote the way he would like). From that point onwards, they were called Drs. Esther, you were a blessing to all of us, she said. There is no fix for stupid! The separation of church and state has nothing to do with religious leaders scamming people. All of their programs not only have regional accreditation, they hold programmatically as well.I respect your effort to flush out these fakes..they should be exposed. There are a number of instances of opinions in the Bible that are clearly of the author only and a number of discrepancies that cannot be harmonized. Oh, how she loved having them not just for the lunchtime, but for the fellowship in the Lord.