In 07 or 09 when he was being questioned about the murders, just prior, he'd found Pam "kissing that Mexican". Not only was he punishing and dominating him, but he was expressing his repressed anger and shame associated with being bisexual or homosexual. You have to keep in mind that the statements from Bennie Guy and Billy Stewart are considered hearsay and most likely would not stand up in a court of law alone. A bitemark on Stevies face would lend credibility to the statement that another bite occurred on Chris genital area. It would take another 14 years before he was even interviewed about his whereabouts that night. Wouldn't a normal person say "embarrassed", maybe? They would watch the men as they smoked marijuana and engaged in sexual activity. Thursday, Hobbs told Action News 5 he didn't do it. Both Guy and Stewart have tried since 1994, thirteen years before Terry and David were even suspects, to tell the authorities what they had been told. This was an attempt, clearly, to make the discovery of the boys more difficult. When reading her first statements to police, it raises serious doubts about her alleged sighting of the three boys. THEY WERENT SCARED THAT MAYBE SOMEBODY HAD SEEN THEM IN THERE ONE DAY? He said, you seen him coming down the street, I said, yes L. G. and I am not lying for him. JMB is a freaking nut but I think he loved Michelle so much that when Chris died, she did, too. West Memphis Three: New possible suspects named in the brutal 1993 West Its possible that Terry realized these knots could come back to him so he finished tying Michael up with a more traditionally used knot. Terry Hobbs, the stepfather of another one of the murdered boys. [Feature Photo: Murder victims Chris Byers, Michael Moore and Stevie Branch/UMKC School of Law], Alex Murdaugh Begins Prison Sentence With New Haircut, What About Buster Murdaugh? Furthermore, in the alleged confessions, Terry states: The bodies cant be found, at least not yet.. LG also lied extensively about his whereabouts the night of the 5th. He was most likely placed near the tree becase one of the perpetrators used the tree as support in order to enter the water. Terry Hobbs grew up in a strict fundementalist pentecostal home, with his father actually being a pentecostal preacher. Or alone at night with people swarming the area. David Jacoby was never interviewed either. I believe the known evidence supports the notion that Terry said yes, but that Stevie went inside to eat dinner first. With what we know about Stevie and how much he feared Terry, it seems impossible that Stevie would have been the child who kicked Terry. Is there any reason NOT to believe Terry Hobbs is guilty of the murders other than simply believing that the West Memphis Three did it? Additionally, they would have focused on someone who lived in West Memphis and knew the Blue Beacon Woods well. Terry Hobbs was reported missing from Kinard on April 20, but . Douglas believes the act was meant to dominate, control, humiliate and punish. WE ALWAYS GOT A PLACE TO HIDE BEFORE THEY CAN GET THERERIDGE: WHERE DID YOU HIDE?AARON: WE HIDE ONE TIME WE HIDE BEHIND UM A TREE. But again, why would turtles only be drawn to the left side of Stevies face and none of the other boys faces? YOUVE SEEN THE CLUB HOUSEVICKIE: UH-HUH (YES) I HAVE SEEN IT SEVERAL TIMESRIDGE: ALRIGHT, AND HES BEEN FOUND THERE BY YOU SEVERAL TIMES? Perhaps. I hear you. VICKIE: SO THEN UM, II JUST GOT AARON OUT OF THERE BECAUSE YOU KNOW. Who killed three eight year old boys in West Memphis? : r - reddit After 18 months Echols was informed that the evidence was likely not available, but after a state court order, Echols team was invited to the West Memphis Police Department to review what evidence remained. He did not say anything to me. VICKIE: HE STAYED. She was completely off in her description of the way they looked and the way they were dressed. Aaron Hutchinson also stated that the clubhouse consisted of some old boards: AARON: IN ROBIN HOOD UH, THE PLACE WHERE THE BOARDS ARERIDGE: WAS IT THERE WHERE YOUR CLUB IS OR WAS IT SOME WHERE ELSE IN THOSE WOODS?AARON: IT WAS RIGHT BESIDE OUR UM, TREE HOUSE, And in 2011, pleadings for further DNA testing of the boards that were found next to the clubhouse: (1) When Stevies autopsy was performed, a partially digested green-vegetable like substance was found in his belly. RIDGE: OKAY. Jamie Clark Ballard, who lived only three doors down from Terry and Pam Hobbs, has supplied a sworn affidavit, as have both her . I know there was a warning but the warning wasn't clear enough. However, knowing that a DNA sample was found on Stevies penis coupled with the knowledge that Chris may have allegedly been bitten on his penis and scrotum as well, I feel the chances are quite high that Stevie, too, may have been bitten in his penis. Due to this error in the judgement by police, the information revealed by Aaron has been largely ignored through the years. Its also extremely suspicious and coincidental that Dixie Huffords description of the car that dropped off LG would be so eerily similar to the car that Terry actually drove at the time and the car that he would have used to pick Pam up from work. So, according to Aarons mother, Vickie, the clubhouse, which was located in the Blue Beacon Woods, was a spot where her son often went to play and any time he was late to come home it was because he was out playing in those woods. I believe that after Terrys attack on Stevies face, and with Stevie still quite conscious, this is when the tying of the children began. My suspicion is that LGs parents knew he participated in this crime ( I will touch more on this later) and Narlene, being LGs aunt, probably had some limited knowledge of his participation, too. This would have allowed the four men approx. If the theory of Terry and David leaving West Memphis and heading to Lakeshore trailer park at 5:45 is true, then Terry and David could have theoretically ran into Buddy Lucas and LG Hollingsworth sometime around 6pm, since both LG and Buddy were last seen at Lakeshore that afternoon. VICKIE: THE DEAD END ON MCAULEYRIDGE: ON MCAULEY BYVICKIE: BY THE APARTMENTSRIDGE: OKAY, ALRIGHT. And for two, David claims to have seen the three boys in front of his house at 5:30 when he opened the door to let Terry and Amanda inside. Upon the delivery, I saw Mr. Hobbs holding hands with the same man who he was at my house with on May 5, 1993. In Terry Hobbs daughters own diary she talks about having dreams about having sex with her dad and that she is sure that he didnt molest her from age 15 years old to 19. "He would have been a heart breaker if. Police Officer Regina Meeks had been called to Mark Byers home at 8:10 and filled out a police report for the missing children with both the Byers and Dana Moore. Stevie would have then gone home, eaten some dinner and asked if he could continue playing with Chris and Michael. RIDGE: OKAY. Perhaps she felt obligated to lie about Damien in order to get him arrested for a murder she believed he committed. Here is a timeline of how events may have unfolded that day. Shortly after arriving home, Terry was out in his driveway with Amanda, saw the boys outside Jamie Ballards home and called them to come to the house. When he was finished with that, I believe he then turned to Stevie. That means that Chris would have not fought back much because after being stabbed, he probably would have been very weak. Even more damaging is the specifics of the way the three boys were tied up. A few pages prior, he writes "Damien and Jason had no indicative violence in their pasts, and while Jessie was known for a hot temper, he channeled his aggression into pursuits such as wrestling." Shortly after this, Terry Hobbs noticed that the three boys were spying on the men. Jackie Jr. Hicks came to the Hobbs' residence after he was informed of the encounter. What really stands out to me is that the guilt or innocence of the men known as the West Memphis Three has been wildly debated through the years. Additionally, there is an ample amount of evidence, in my opinion, that Terry might have sexually abused all of his children. And why would Narlene have any need to lie for LG if he was innocent? If LG had been dropped off at home at 4:30, surely he would have changed out of his shirt and tie by 9pm. In 1993, he was married to Pamela Hobbs and was the step father of Stevie Branch. Why was Terry 18 minutes late picking Pam up? I believe he intended to terrify and threaten them so they would never, ever speak of what they had seen. However, there is no mention of animal prints at the scene, as far as I know, nor car tracks found in the field next to those woods. As I mentioned previously, this statement is an enormous indicator of truth, in my opinion. In his first interview, taken shortly after the murders, he claims he went home in the early afternoon but then changes his story and puts himself in Lakeshore at 4:30. Jacoby is adamant to anyone who listens that Hobbs is not his friend. SO THIS FRIGHTENED ME, SO I GOT AARON OUT OF THERE AND WE WENT HOME. While searching through the evidence, their lawyer and private investigator found a letter written to prosecutor, Scott Ellington in February 2012. Cookie Notice He was one of four children and came from a strict and religious family. RIDGE: IT IS OKAY, YOUVE BEEN DOWN THERE BEFORE? Its my personal opinion that the evidence presented here should put all debates to rest because both sides have at least some truth in their corner. Mark Byers claimed that Chris had attempted to break into the house sometime near 5pm but could not get in, when Mark arrived home at 5:20 and left shortly after to pick up his other son, he saw Chris riding his skateboard in the street. Expelled From Law School, Dad Convicted of Mom & Brothers Murder. When the boys bodies were discovered, there were found in the Blue Beacon Woods right next to the alleged clubhouse where the boys played. Hobbs, with the help of an author, put all that journaling into a book about the 1993 murders of his stepson Stevie Branch, and Branch's friends Michael Moore and Chris Byers. This theory supportsbothsides of the debate. What is most interesting, however, is that most of the public did not know that Chris was on a skateboard at one point that afternoon. When Aaron Hutchinson spoke about the clubhouse, he referenced the boards numerous times. i.e: wrestle. Pam concedes on one condition: Stevie must be home by4:30 or he will be grounded from his beloved bike for two weeks. BLY HE WAS SUPPOSE TO GO MEET JESSIE MISSKELLEY OUT AT LAKESHORE. Apparently, David initially hit Chris in the face and head with his fists until Terry came over and ordered the boys to be stripped. AARON: THEY WOULD UM, THEY WOULD WIPE EACH OTHER LIKE UM, LIKE UM, LIKE THEY DID UM TO MICHAEL, CHRIS AND STEVE THEY SAID. The Hobbses are the mother and stepfather of Steve Branch, who. What the ME failed to mention, however, is that a one time act of oral sex on a child is not going to cause enough injury to a childs penis to be noticeable. What is equally disturbing, is that both Domini and Damien had solid alibis for that time period. I believe he intended to terrify and threaten them so they would never, ever speak of what they had seen. When they arrived in the woods, Terry Hobbs told the boys to wrestle. I also went back and caught Pam in 93 saying that TH didn't get mad, he got even. That makes sense to me. In order to have a deeper understanding of what happened, we must start at the beginning. My theory is this: Stevie had never seen the men in the woods having sex before. Terry Hobbs grew up working for his dad as a butcher; his job was to tie up cattle and hogs, transport them, butcher them and to possible even prepare and bind the meat. This could mean that Terry could have arrived sometime between 8:45 and 9:00pm. There is more evidence, also, that LG never went home that afternoon. LGs whereabouts that night are equally suspicious, if not more so. When you look at the evidence as a whole, it is quite clear and truly undeniable what really occurred that tragic day. That could be why Stevie had wounds to the face, while the other boys had wounds to their head. The hearing was to allow the victim's . WHAT DID YOU ALL HIDE AND WAIT FOR THEM?AARON: YEAH (YES) WILL WE ALWAYS. Additionally, Stevie, by both Pam and Terrys accounts was a well behaved boy who did not disobey. According to Buddys confession, the men then drove him back to Lakeshore and dropped him off. RIDGE WHO WERE WORKING IN CONSTRUCTION WORK? It appeared as though Christopher was tied up by one person, most likely David Jacoby, in my opinion, since his knots were all the same. I believe that David did ask Terry where Stevie was when Terry showed up at 5:30 and that Terry told him the truth: Stevie was riding his bike and would be back by dark (8pm). I believe its likely that LG and Buddy most likely used only their fists to hit the boys. Neither Chris nor Michael had any facial injuries even remotely close to what Stevie had on his face. That means that they may have punched Stevie, but may not have taken it farther than that. (Vickies interview 1993). [1]. I think you're on to something here. And interestingly enough, the alleged confessions mention that the four cleaned up as darkness approached. Douglas believes the act was meant to dominate, control, humiliate and punish. I theorize they then cleaned up the blood from Chris injuries by scraping up the mud, grass, leaves and blood and throwing it into the drainage ditch.