Only later would he learn what had happened. 2254(e)(1); see Drake v. Portuondo, 553 F .3d 230, 239 (2d Cir.2009). Regardless of defense counsel's error in referring to the search as a forensic search, the prosecution would also have elicited the fact that Bierenbaum lied to Caruana about the search. Two or three months later Bierenbaum told another of Katz's friends, Maryann DeCesare, that he thought she was waitressing by a seaside community. Bierenbaum told Karnofsky that the police had asked him if he had removed the apartment rug or had it cleaned, and that he had answered that he had not. Edgar Rivera told the police that he did not remember seeing Katz on July 7. He didn't stop when he knew she was unconscious. Moreover, a federal court must apply the clearly established Supreme Court jurisprudence as of either the date of the pertinent state court adjudicat[ion] on the merits, or the date when the state court conviction became final. Mungo v. Duncan, 393 F.3d 327, 333-34 (2d Cir.2004). Katz moved out and lived for a time with her grandfather. Dr. Robert Bierenbaum had a second motive to murder his wife - she was threatening to expose him and his cardiologist father as Medicaid scammers, a witness told jurors yesterday. The trial court permitted this testimony as background evidence of the state of the marriage and Katz's state of mind, and Bierenbaum's motive, intent and identity. Leave to appeal to the New York Court of Appeals was denied on March 10, 2003. Michelle Kaszuba on the investigation of Gail Katz-Bierenbaum's disappearance, and her husband's murder trial. She would have had to admit that she did not see Katz leave, nor could she be sure that the door was the exterior door, rather than an interior door. 2. Under Roberts, the statements of an unavailable hearsay declarant were admissible only if [they bore] adequate indicia of reliability, which could be satisfied by demonstrating that the evidence fell within a firmly rooted hearsay exception, or that the evidence had particularized guarantees of trustworthiness. 448 U.S. at 66. Dr. Robert Bierenbaum is a trained pilot serving 20 years to life in prison for the 1985 murder of his wife, Gail Katz. Never, Bibb told the jurors shortly before they begandeliberations, did Bierenbaum, who has a pilots license, evermention that he had spent nearly two hours flying an airplane theafternoon after his wife was last seen. When a state court has adjudicated the merits of a petitioner's claim, a federal court may grant an application for a writ of habeas corpus only if the adjudication of the claim-(1) resulted in a decision that was contrary to, or involved an unreasonable application of, clearly established Federal law, as determined by the Supreme Court of the United States; or (2) resulted in a decision that was based on an unreasonable determination of the facts in light of the evidence presented in the State court proceeding. 28 U.S.C. ''Most people don't know that Minot, North Dakota, is on the face of the map, so why come here?'' 06 Civ. In this vital role, Biernbaum will oversee Trillium Health's expansion as we provide new services, barrier-free access to medical care . After Bierenbaum's direct appeal was concluded, he filed a motion with the trial court to set aside the judgment on the grounds that trial and appellate counsel had rendered ineffective assistance of counsel. Hillard Wiese, Katz's cousin, testified that Katz reported to him in the fall of 1983 that she had an argument with her husband during which he had choked her to unconsciousness. Counsel's theory was that Katz left the apartment on Sunday, and met with foul play after she left. Before leaving town, Dr. Bierenbaum stopped in at Pietsch's to pay a bill. ''We worry about today and tomorrow here, not last week.''. Bierenbaum repeated that he had remained in the apartment all day until 5:30 p.m., when he left for the family party in New Jersey, arriving there at approximately 6:30 p.m. [T]he question of whether a federal constitutional question was sufficiently asserted in state courts to form the basis of a federal habeas petition is a question of federal law which the federal courts must resolve for themselves. Acosta v. Artuz, 575 F.3d 177, 185 (2d Cir.2009) (quoting DiSimone v. Phillips, 461 F.3d 181, 189 (2d Cir.2006)). The state court's conclusion was a reasonable application of Strickland. ''Helpful'' is the word most people use here to describe Dr. Bierenbaum, a man who fixed his colleagues' computers and brought his neighbors chicken soup. Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor's office as it may change frequently. Dr. Stephanie Youngblood, a chiropractor who lived with Bierenbaum from 1990 to 1993, testified that Bierenbaum told her that Katz had a drug problem, was having extramarital affairs, and that he felt her death was drug-related: [h]e felt she went to Central Park to hang out with her druggie friends.. ANGELA ABRAHAM. Close to midnight that evening Bierenbaum telephoned Dr. Yvette Feis, one of Katz's friends, asking if she knew where Katz was. June Sherman lived directly below the Bierenbaum apartment. Find Dr. Biernbaum's address and more. The Disappearance of Gail Katz Bierenbaum. The torso had washed up in Staten Island four years after her disappearance, and the limbs appeared to have been severed, perhaps by a skillful surgeon. Image Credit: Stephanie Youngblood/ ABC News 20/20. He chokes her to death. He knew in July of 1985, what it would take to render her unconscious. Martin learned that Bierenbaum was a licensed pilot. Rochester RHIO. Prior to trial Bierenbaum's attorney moved to dismiss the indictment, contending that the evidence presented to the grand jury failed to prove that New York had jurisdiction to prosecute him for the murder, because assuming that Katz was dead, there was no evidence that her death occurred in New York. Bierenbaum contends that even if Alvarez's recollection was shaky, his testimony was essential to counter the prosecution's argument that Bierenbaum lied when he told Detective O'Malley that a doorman named Edgar had seen Katz leave the building. In another conversation Katz told DeCesare that she and Bierenbaum had discussed the Claus von Bulow case, and that Bierenbaum had said the problem with the case was that von Bulow left evidence and that he would leave no evidence. Sergeant Matthew Rowley of the New York police department's Aviation Unit executed three flights in a Cessna 172 from Caldwell Airport on October 11, 2000, during the trial. If a state court decision rests on a state law ground that is independent of the federal question and adequate to support the judgment, Coleman v. Thompson, 501 U.S. 722, 729 (1991), we will not review the issue. Bierenbaum suggests now that a jury could have concluded that if he killed his wife on July 7, 1985, he might have done so in New Jersey and not in New York. Contribute to our National Missing Person Day Fundraiser Home I, 6. as the organization's new Chief Medical Officer.. Bierenbaum argued undue pre-indictment delay to the state court in his motion to set aside the judgment. 2254 in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. Had the defense gotten Segalas to admit that he and Katz used cocaine on several occasions, the defense suggestion that she may have been killed by drug dealers would still have been plagued by lack of evidence, as the state court noted. The same compassionate staff continues to provide personalized service in the same warm, caring atmosphere you have come to expect. United States v. Langella, 776 F.2d 1078, 1083 (2d Cir.1985) (citing Lovasco, 431 U.S. at 790); accord United States v. Cornielle, 171 F.3d 748 (2d Cir.1999). A state prisoner may fairly present to the state courts the constitutional nature of his claim by claim[ing] the deprivation of a particular right specifically protected by the Constitution. Daye v. Att'y Gen. of the State of N.Y., 696 F.2d 186, 193 (2d Cir.1982) (en banc). Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. Few questioned Dr. Bob, as they called him, who was convicted last week of murdering his first wife. Following the close of evidence, counsel move[d] to dismiss the indictment on the basis that the People have failed to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt and to the legal standard required for the case to go to the jury. Id. If the jury concluded beyond a reasonable doubt that Bierenbaum committed the murder, the jurors would not have harbored a reasonable doubt that it occurred in the apartment. Bierenbaum now argues that his counsel was ineffective for failing to properly object to the admission of the videotapes. The state court weighed the five Taranovich factors and concluded that if defense counsel had moved to dismiss the indictment, the motion would unquestionably have been denied. After the verdict,Snyder ordered him jailed to await sentencing. 5. Proactive and Reactive LiesDuring the trial, defense lawyer David Lewis denounced theprosecutions murder theory as guesswork since there are noeyewitnesses or physical evidence in the death of Katz-Bierenbaum.Lewis said Katz-Bierenbaum is probably dead, but he stated thatnobody knows how or why. See People v. Bierenbaum, 850 N.E.2d 674 (N.Y.2006). If you are not eligible for any of these plans, we will help you identify other healthcare access options to meet your needs. When O'Malley followed this up in a second conversation, Bierenbaum said that Edgar was now not sure whether he'd seen her on that or another day. Dr. Bierenbaum graduated from the Albany Medical College in 1978. III, 2820, Oct. 12, 2000. Robert Bierenbaum, a former plastic surgeon who was convicted of murdering his wife in 2000, finally confessed to killing her and throwing her body out of an airplane after more than three decades of maintaining his innocence. They found nothing, I've been cleared, and in the time frame we're talking about it's clear that he's telling Karen Caruana that the cops have cleared him before they've even been inside his apartment Cops hadn't searched anything yet. It was consistent with that theory to concede her death on July 7. Petitioner-Appellant Robert Bierenbaum was convicted after a jury trial of murder in the second degree, see N.Y. [Bierenbaum] tells Karen Caruana, You know the cops searched my apartment. 2120, 2008 WL 515035 (S.D .N.Y. She told her friend that she was going to leave her husband that weekend, and that she was looking for another place to live. Katz asked Beale if she could move in with her. ABC's '20/20 portrays how Robert Bierenbaum did not seem affected by his wife Gail Katz's disappearance in July 1985. Throughout Bierenbaum's trial and the direct appeal of his conviction, the admission of statements by a declarant not present at trial was governed by Ohio v. Roberts, 448 U.S. 56 (1980), abrogated by Crawford v. Washington, 541 U.S. 36 (2004)). Maryann DeCesare, a friend, testified that Katz told her that she was afraid of Bierenbaum's temper and that he had threatened her. Although he followed in the footsteps of his father Dr. Marvin Bierenbaum by becoming a surgeon, he never gave up his dream of becoming the first Jewish astronaut. He had blocked the police from searching their Manhattan apartment. Baran testified that she never told Bierenbaumthat. Bierenbaum faults the district court for concluding that counsel's efforts to secure her testimony were diligent, and concluding that failure to present her testimony did not prejudice the defense. The Appellate Division ruled that the statements bore numerous hallmarks of reliability: She was speaking spontaneously; she repeated the statements separately to various people in her life; her statements about the troubled side of their marriage were a natural consequence of corroborated facts about their marriage; she was, by all indications, in good mental health; there appears no reason for her to have fabricated the matters she discussed at the time of her utterances; and her statements largely concerned private matters that some would be embarrassed or otherwise reluctant to disclose. 1200 S Columbia Rd, Grand Forks, ND, 58201 (701) 780-5260 OVERVIEW Dr. Bierenbaum graduated from the Albany Medical College in 1978. She provided a picture of Katz from the summer of 1985, and described her as less than five foot three, weighing approximately 110 pounds, with an A-cup bra size. On direct appeal, Bierenbaum contended that the trial court erroneously admitted videotapes, demonstrating how a pilot can, without assistance, place a flight bag loaded with one hundred ten pounds of weight into a Cessna 172, fly the plane over the ocean and push it out. A state court's determination of a factual issue is presumed to be correct, and may only be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. It is not offered for such a purpose and it must not be considered by you for such a purpose. Friends and family posted pictures of Katz in the neighborhood. The prosecution would have argued that even if the jury believed Sherman was testifying truthfully about what she heard, her testimony was consistent with the prosecution's theory that Bierenbaum killed his wife in the course of an explosive argument. Moreover, at that point in the summation, the prosecuting attorney was cataloguing what he termed Bierenbaum's lies-to Dalsass, to O'Malley, to Caruana, and several other witnesses. To the owner of Bierenbaum's vacation rental property in South Hampton, he speculated that Katz had a drug problem and that she had disappeared with drug dealers. Rochester RHIO makes your information available wherever you Katz recounted an incident when Bierenbaum discovered her smoking a cigarette, got very angry, came at her and choked her. Respondents assert in the alternative, and the district court agreed, that with one exception the statements were not admitted for their truth. Katz told her that the night before she took her Graduate Record Exam, Bierenbaum choked her to unconsciousness because she smoked a cigarette. We addressed this point in connection with counsel's mistake in referring to a forensic examination in his opening statement, and found no prejudice. '' The next day, the news hit that he was in New York and under arrest for murder. Claim your profile (701) 780-5260 . It ranks in the top 20 in the United States for both research and primary care. Upon selling their Minot condominium, Dr. Bierenbaum took to sleeping on a folding cot in the hangar beside his airplane and showering in the hospital where he still treated patients. It follows that the state court's rejection of Bierenbaum's ineffective assistance of counsel claim was not an unreasonable application of the Strickland standard. O'Malley met with Bierenbaum on the 13th and requested details of the previous weekend. Bierenbaum, 748 N.Y.S.2d at 583-84. Though he doesn't like to admit it, Mike Berg, the friend from the Rotary Club, is angry. Ladies and gentlemen, eyeballing the bathtub and walking around the apartment are no substitute for a complete forensic search . In July, early in the investigation, Dalsass asked Bierenbaum if he could look around the apartment. When Alayne Katz accused him of killing her sister, thedefendant called his missing wife a tramp and said he believedshe had run off with another man. Graduate School. At the close of its opinion, the Appellate Division disposed of the arguments it did not address as follows: We have examined defendant's remaining contentions and find them unavailing. Bierenbaum, 748 N.Y.S.2d at 589. According to her affidavit, she was acutely aware of Katz, who frequently screamed at her husband and walked around noisily in high-heeled shoes. The motion was denied. Feb. 25, 2008). We affirm. He described going to work Saturday morning, leaving the hospital and visiting his father, returning home around noon to go out to eat and do some shopping with his wife, including buying bras at a lingerie store and cat food at a pet supply store. at 3107, Oct. 23, 2000. Certain of these witnesses also testified that Katz told them she had received a letter from Bierenbaum's therapist warning her that Bierenbaum was a danger to her, and that Katz intended to threaten Bierenbaum with disclosure of this letter. The investigation was closed in April 1987. The educational structure is rigorous, but the real draw of this school is the open and accepting atmosphere. That evening Bierenbaum filed a missing persons report indicating that when Katz was last seen she was wearing pink shorts and a white t-shirt. To Karnofsky Bierenbaum speculated that Katz was in a fugue state or that she had run off with someone to the Caribbean. Courts have also considered the status or relationship to the declarant of the person to whom the statement was made, whether there was a coercive atmosphere, whether it was made in response to questioning and whether the statements reflect an attempt to shift blame or curry favor. Boys don't touch boys here.' A petitioner has fairly presented his claim only if he has informed the state court of both the factual and the legal premises of the claim he asserts in federal court. Jones v. Keane, 329 F.3d 290, 294-95 (2d Cir.2003) (internal quotation marks omitted) (quoting Dorsey v. Kelly, 112 F.3d 50, 52 (2d Cir.1997)). Dr. Bierenbaum is board-certified in internal medicine, hematology, and oncology. Oppressive prosecutorial delay may violate the Due Process Clause of the United States Constitution. He received his. Bierenbaum said he would get back to him, but did not. holds a Master's degree in Epidemiology from the State University of New York at Buffalo and a Doctorate of Osteopathy from the University of New England. He was convicted in October 2000 of having murdered his estranged wife, Gail Katz-Bierenbaum 15 years earlier in their Manhattan apartment on July 7, 1985. 2120, 2008 WL 515035 (S.D.N.Y. He faces 25 years to life and is to be sentenced on Nov. 20. ''How odd is it that a murderer had dinner at my house, a Seder no less,'' said Harriet Epstein, originally from Queens, who briefly ran the only bagel store here and whose late husband, a wealthy and prominent doctor, befriended and worked with Dr. Bierenbaum. He works in Grand Forks, ND and specializes in Surgery and Internal Medicine. He told the detective that he remained at home until approximately 5:30 p.m., when he left for New Jersey. Katz's friend Yvette Feis was in the apartment several days after Katz was reported missing, noticed that the living room rug was gone and asked about it. Dr. Robert Biernbaum is a Emergency Medicine Physician in Victor, NY. He told Karnofsky that he had gotten into an argument with his wife one day, that she went to cool off in Central Park, that she had been seen one time around the area of Central Park, but had never been seen again. 28 U.S.C. In September Dalsass finally secured permission to search Bierenbaum's apartment. People here were on their guard at first because he dressed differently, had longer hair and a ''weird intensity'' about him. In fact, the police were not permitted to conduct a forensic search of the apartment. at 1889. Katz did not keep her regularly scheduled psychotherapy appointment on July 8. Hirsch also stated that a body could be disarticulated at the joints, a simple process that someone trained in anatomy could accomplish in ten minutes. Late in 1984 or early 1985 Katz told her that she had received a letter from Bierenbaum's psychiatrist warning her that Bierenbaum posed a danger to her, and suggesting that Katz separate from him. When Rivera testified at trial, he stated that he could not remember anything about July 7, 1985. The respondents argued this position below, but on further review have withdrawn their argument, agreeing with Bierenbaum that he presented his constitutional claim in his letter brief submitted to the New York Court of Appeals on December 10, 2002. Katz told her that she was looking for an apartment and that she was going to tell her husband that weekend that she was leaving. It is possible. Think about the defendant. The district court determined that Bierenbaum failed to exhaust his state court remedies with regard to his Confrontation Clause claim, finding that he did not argue the claim in his application for leave to appeal to the New York Court of Appeals. Being essentially softhearted, though, he e-mailed Dr. Bierenbaum before the trial to wish him good luck and got a brief response: ''Thanks. 2254(d); see also, e.g., Brown v. Alexander, 543 F.3d 94, 100 (2d Cir.2008). dr robert bierenbaum medical schoolaiken county sc register of deeds dr robert bierenbaum medical school Rochester, NY - Trillium Health, a community health center with an emphasis on affordable health care and located in downtown Rochester, announced the appointment of Robert "Rob" Biernbaum, D.O. He completed his Residency in Emergency Medicine from Genesys Regional Medical Center. participates with the Rochester RHIO. He was awaiting trial at his parents' home in East Orange, N.J., while his wife and daughter were in Pittsburgh. IV, 3009-10, Oct. 18, 2000. Katz also told Kasenbaum that she had gotten a letter from Bierenbaum's psychiatrist. Former NY surgeon admits killing wife, throwing body from airplane in 1985 (NCD) (NCD) NEW YORK Dr. Robert Bierenbaum maintained his innocence in 2000 as he was tried and convicted of killing . In his petition he alleged that he was denied his Sixth Amendment right to effective assistance of counsel, and that admission of numerous hearsay statements violated his Sixth Amendment right to confront witnesses against him. She also testified that they had many times discussed Katz separating from her husband. In his opening statement counsel told the jury You will also learn that the police conducted a forensic examination of the doctor's apartment, the doctor's car, his friend's car that he borrowed some time that weekend, the airplane and found no evidence of blood or any other biological determinations because this case also turns on the lack of evidence. Id. The location you tried did not return a result. ''The conversation lasted 30 seconds, and he wasn't as upset as I would have expected.''. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. In addition to the evidence detailed above, the prosecution marshaled a wealth of circumstantial evidence that, in the words of the Appellate Division, when attentively review[ed] and critically assesse[d] , and after applying all natural and reasonable inferences, led to the inescapable conclusion that Bierenbaum murdered his wife on July 7, 1985, and the evidence excludes beyond a reasonable doubt any reasonable hypothesis of innocence. People v. Bierenbaum, 748 N.Y.S.2d 563, 574 (N.Y.App.Div.2002). Though Katz's body has never been found, Bierenbaum was found guilty of . It is not the first time an innocent drug buyer gets killed in the course of a drug deal It was a different city then, a dangerous place, Gail Katz Bierenbaum may very well have found by virtue of some of her own behavior danger. He recalled that when David Berkowitz (later known as Son of Sam) spent time at the Minot military base, animals in the area turned up mutilated. Bierenbaum told Katz's friend Ellen Schwartz that he had spoken with Katz's therapist Dr. Baran, who had told him that Katz was very depressed and she was concerned that Katz might hurt herself. A. Detective O'Malley testified that Bierenbaum told him he'd made a mistake, and that Rivera wasn't sure when he'd seen Katz. The jury also learned that a Cessna 172 Skyhawk, the airplane that Bierenbaum rented, is a stable, easy-to-handle four passenger aircraft. Bibb said Bierenbaum put his wifes corpse in a large duffelbag, drove it to a New Jersey airport, took the body up in a Cessna172 and dropped it into the ocean somewhere between Montauk, onLong Island, and Cape May, N.J. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. Depending on your income and household size, we can help you qualify for Child Health Plus, Family Health Plus, Medicaid, Healthy New York, EPIC, or the RPCN Community Health Care Plan. The probable truth, Bibb said, is that Bierenbaum strangled hiswife in their Upper East Side Manhattan apartment after she toldhim she was leaving their loveless and sometimes violent marriagefor another man. at 583. Denise Kasenbaum, a friend, testified that Katz had told her there were problems in the marriage, incidents of violence, that Bierenbaum was very controlling, and that she was not happy. The prosecution also produced the testimony of Karen Caruana, a woman with whom Bierenbaum had a brief affair shortly after Katz disappeared. In 1998 the investigation was reopened, and the body was exhumed and determined by DNA comparison not to be Katz. About three weeks after Katz disappeared, Bierenbaum began an affair with Karen Caruana, a nurse educator at Maimonides Medical Center where Bierenbaum was a surgical resident. 20 by Justice Leslie Crocker Snyder. Bierenbaum does not dispute that Alvarez told the authorities in July 1985 that he did not recall seeing Katz on July 7, and that he did not remember how she was dressed the last time he did see her. Trial Tr. Please enter a valid 5-digit Zip Code. Wiese advised her to leave immediately. 9. Kasenbaum saw Katz on the day before she disappeared. This Court granted a certificate of appealability on September 23, 2008. Robert "Rob" Biernbaum, D.O. Failure to object to summation remarks. But Dr. Bierenbaum had a strong record, excellent training and appeared to have an unblemished past, Mr. Schwann recalled, until New York City investigators, accompanied by Mr. Maixner, arrived in November 1998 to look into some issues. At the close of the prosecution's case, defense counsel move[d] for a trial order of dismissal of the single count of the indictment because the People failed to establish every element of the crime charged[,] and this case particularly in its circumstantial nature is insufficient to go forward for a jury resolution. Trial Tr.
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