The shoulder joints of my garments had been reduced drastically, so that I could not even get into many clothes, without injuring my shoulder joints. Neighbors constantly slamming doors becomes antisocial If it produces nuisance and disturbance. My neighbor is taking me to court for harassment due to slamming doors These bizarre Arm Harassment Gestures are only a small portion and a criminal Harassment tactic, that is used as a part of the large Syndicated Crime of Organized Gang Stalking. So, what can you do when your neighbor keeps slamming their doors and constantly disturbing your peace? Street Theater is Harassment skits done by strangers and neighbors who have been recruited into these Stalking and Harassment groups. Express your discomfort with the behavior or comments and ask them to stop it. Blocking targets path, getting ahead of them in line, cutting or boxing them in on the road, saying or doing things to elicit an angry response from targets. So, I did not seek any police support after that. Usually, talking to the person who is on the other side of the problem can bring a solution immediately. No. None of this stalking exists to you any longer. Your light they hate, but its needed now to fight this war. You have been chosen by God and these demons hate you. A home is a place where you take your time to relax and rest after a long and busy day. However, if this does not help as well, then you might involve the local authorities. Historical significance, but human adult beings never seem to learn as much as is the simple expectation seen in unsophisticated, undisciplined children. Maybe your coworker is having a personal issue that you dont know about and this is the cause of her outbursts. I have been for over 3 years now. 11 Major Signs of Emotional Abuse in a Relationship - Allure Due process is suppose to use our eyes, ears, and intellect to avoid human cruelty of unjust actions against other living beings. They will repeat things a target said in their home, or on the phone. If you are interested please reach me at I knew that he had already copied it. Listening to their calls. Furthermore, when you approach them, make sure that you provided examples of times when they were slamming the doors and how that affected you. If they don't blame you for what happened, they will blame their teacher, boss, a family member, friend, or even the weather. Reversing vehicles in front of the targets home. The first mystery that I ever attempted to tackle on Nightmare Expo was one surrounding the Polish haunting called "The Slamming Door". Slamming the door is a very vicious form of disturbance, usually getting into the ears and sometimes the brain. They may also employ some Gaslighting, or Jacketing tactics. G.Solares, Hi Guillermo, This will be people on the street who you randomly and unexpectedly run into. I took this approach when working with an employee who was miserable to be around. Although Alison McDowell has not talked about boots on the ground. But in the end, it can be very effective. Certain states have enacted stronger protection through their anti-discrimination laws than what is offered by the federal government. The phrase Gas-Lighting has come to mean similar actions and behavior, as used in the film, against a victim. For this reason, it can be an incentive for every neighbor in an apartment complex or townhouse community to be mindful of their door-slamming habits. Good Luck. A Handy Tip: You can make time to speak to your neighbor to remedy the issue quickly. I have caught former peers stalking. As we are all aware, stalking is a common occurance for people targeted for various personal related reasons. Another common passive-aggressive behavior is that when the person is asked to do something they don't want to do, instead of saying no, they say yes. I googled target marketing and than targeted individuals and from there found the real thing.gangstalking Seeing where they like to shop and eat. Bring the Harassment to the Attention of your Employer. The city of Denver appears to be a hot spot for harassment. Eg. Despite the statements to defame, I have done nothing but help others my entire life. In the summer of 2000 while working and living in Boston, I became very ill and was wrongfully diagnosed by Mass General Hospital, they said that it was my pancreas, but since I was a Senior Accountant for a prestigious Architectural Firm, my CEO told my boss the Controller and the CEO made arrangements with his doctor at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital who has the #1 Pancreatitis Center in America and they are the ones that said Mass General Hospital had misdiagnosed me and that it had been good for me not to allow them to do surgery on my, because they were ready to take me in for surgery, if I would have allowed them, I would probably not be here to tell my story. As Ive told you before, my case began in Minneapolis in 2010, followed me to Eugene, Oregon and has followed me still to Virginia. She is an enthusiastic door slammer, and stair stomper, and these two things, while annoying to the other neighbors around us, for me have been a really big deal. I can be reached at the email In such cases, an individual may engage in passive-aggressive behavior to force the other person to respond, which may then be met with more direct anger or aggression. Maybe you could suggest to your manager that an hydraulic door closer be installed on her office door. When the target travels, the local network will follow the target to the next city or town when the target arrives there, the networking that location will Stalk follow and Harass the target in that city or town. My friend, Nick Stahl (an infiltrator) told me that I should show this story to a retired CBC professional, named Don Cullen. Standing close to the target. Vehicles or groups that travel in cells the cells may use vehicle Color Harassment. Narcissists are NOT allowed to post or comment here. And never underestimate the effects of trauma, in keeping a victim from quickly figuring out who and why he or she is being tortured with murderous intent. They also won't hold a person with these behaviors accountable for their actions. I know now with misophonia, it's not a good idea to live in a space with upstairs neighbors. Does the word Gang, as in Gang Stalking, refer to Street Gangs? Her periodic bad behavior is not causing me to consider alternative employment. This synchronized activity is one of the main techniques used in harassing a target and is repeated. On average LO sleeps through about 4 nights a week. Just not sure what to do.would like to speak with local victims but reading about This helps establish your boundaries. My life is ruined and the last family member I have thinks Im nuts. When the target is in public, members of these Organized Gang Stalking groups will usually try to box the target in. when i first attempted to report ftc. Consumer Stalking is harassment and abuse directed at a consumer who has either filed a complaint against a company, filed a lawsuit against a company, or who is made aware of illegal activity occurring within a company. Please check out this podcast. All of the techniques that you have talked about, they have been implemented on me. My formal supervisor at Louisiana State University made me a Target Individual. The heavy impact from slamming doors can lead to:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'homecadet_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_4',116,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-homecadet_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); As your door wears down, the quality of the door staying closed or locked will also be affected. Interacting with someone who has passive-aggressive behaviors, also sometimes referred to as a "passive-aggressive bully," can be complicated. It's not always easy to spot someone who might fall into the category of a passive-aggressive bully. Both my vehicles have sustained thousands of dollars of damage from things being thrown or shot from stalker vehicles. The association has been formed because of all the other harassment. Satslights are used to indicate when I walk outside. Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 Conspiracy Against Rights. The postmark will be proof that you have not fudged your documentation. Neighbour's shocking 'aggressive' note about door - news If you are reading this,make it the last thing you readabout gangstalking. In Organized Gang Stalking, Anchoring is used to make the target have fear with things happening in your daily life thats considered to be normal. So, instead, I decided to bury the knowledge of this symbol. Sofra X. Dynamics of female sexuality; hidden emotional issues. The new drug dealing members invaded and took over our town. my weird neighbor called wellness report on me. With everything prepaid and debit based you cant see ANY of this on your credit report. The harassment continues (he makes loud noises and screams outside window, bangs on my walls and windows, slams door multiple times). This defense is available if an employer can prove that it exercised reasonable care to promptly correct the harassing behavior and that the employee unreasonably failed to take advantage of preventive opportunities provided by the employer. I did not know that I had a first cousin, from the Devor family, who was a biology professor at Hebrew university. I also get treated with rudeness by everyone I meet, and Im socially isolated. e. I believe all parts of the shadow government have infiltrated these intelligence agencies,,, basically they need someone to target so that resources can be allocated for these programs and since there are very few things and people who they see as real targets why not use are own citizens,,also these elites are all psychopaths so this is fun and games for them,,,the FBI is a good agency,,, although I believe that they have certain parts of the organization that have been corrupted by these infiltrators who misuse their power to continue programs like this,,read Richard lighthouse and Ted Gunderson testimonials,,,as targets very few people can help in this maybe try a american civil liberties lawyer, Have faith in god brpther. Just had heart catch. For over 20 years I have been Gang Stalked, Electronically Harassed, My privacy has been invaded to a degree only seen in concentration camps or iron curtain countries, others are encouraged by the abuse of my civil rights to join in and destroy me and my property or those who are close to me. Anyone know how to be friendly without being phony?? Moreover, how are they getting all of this money?? Using Gestures around the target. Several years now. The idea behind the Number Harassment, is to get the individual being targeted sensitized to certain numbers, so that they can be constantly Harassed by use of these numbers. I hope some day to be able to expose the fact that relatives put him on some watchlist and had him hunted down like an animal and murdered in cold blood. Dealing with someone who is passive-aggressive isn't always easy. To relieve some of their resentment, they may give the person who made the request the silent treatment. I want to tell you Thank you for letting me post my story and thank you for reading it. So while they make it look like they try to preemptively fix people (1) they violate the law and violate peoples personal lives without any conscience. I think that they also sold his organs for profit. I dont guess theirs any relief in site. These cult members are actually being given Harassment tasks and Street Theater Scripts to perform at a certain time of the day for the purpose of Harassment of another individual, despite the fact that the individual being targeted can easily document this Harassment and Cult behavior using a video camera with a date and time stamp, and sue the individuals for damages of Harassment and Emotional Distress. It is ridiculously too long to use as an example for professionals to take in. That way, my relatives could keep the MKULTRA money and obtain life insurance money on my life. Door Slamming Closed Close-up of a old fashioned door and door handle in a house. So in theory you could put anything into a paint ball aim it at something or someone, lets say you put scabies (mites) into the paint ball and hit your target with a paint gun that has an adjustable force. I was spared this fate, because the Pierre Trudeau regime came into office and they were much more astute than the Pearson regime. Be prepared to look for new employment. Some are just so frightened they believe in blind obedience to the corrupt. Basically letting the target know that they are in the targets life. And install a top-notch door closer. HR talked to me and I explained the miscommunications that have been going on. full of haze way before the fire. The door-slammer is a 60 year old professional woman, follows Rasta faith, has no criminal record, never fired from a job during a 45 year career, and does not own weapons. I have a tenant that keeps slamming his | Legal Advice - LawGuru They also play skits using doppelgngers. And, it is always a good idea to keep your resume current while periodically looking at other jobs. Because of the brutal attack, she and whats happened after she is now sensitized. Perpetrators mixed up chapters and stole pages out of it. For example, exposure to a high magnetic field has been shown to induce hallucinations in humans while exposure to intense microwave radiation induces psychotic episodes and causes brain damage. Before taking the issue to the police, check your lease or HOA agreement to see if this can be solved within the community. E.g. This would still be an inside problem that will be dealt with between neighbors in the building. i think the final attempt is pinning it on me and claiming me insane. I had read some information about organized stalking. By the last such ambush period, I remembered having the swastika scar, which I had forgotten deliberately, at age six or seven. . Hitting your target with only the force of a blow gun. However, when Brittany moved out, it regained its normal colouration, over time. It was loud enough that it would wake me from a dead sleep at times, and then I would be too angry to fall back asleep. Within minutes, I am swarmed by neighbors, paid perps. I was in a hospital after a heart attack. 00:13 Trying the Door Handle If i knew then to strategize by being motionless like a statue i woukd have mitigated more exploits earlier as most require user action to finalize their most true intentions which is to fully reduce all devices leg of supports and verification process. So, I that shouldnt be it. To answer this question we must distinguish two types of legal claims. They also rarely say what they are really thinking, which can be confusing for people on the receiving end of their behaviorsparticularly when they lash out in subtle and puzzling ways. I am aware that the ultimate ungodly abuse is to be able to know what anybody is thinking as a way of controlling the masses, I know that I am strong minded and that this attack on me will only go so far, but I continue to shield my thoughts and to use ear buds as to interrup the never ending chattering of this individuals, no I dont hear voices, I hear my perpetrators talking among themselves and saying what I am thinking at the precise moment of my thought, they can also ready my body functions so they know if I have a headache or if I am cold or hot or if something hurts, like any kind of pain, they also know my bodely functions. Some internet groups which help stalking victims are heavily populated with perpetrators posing as victims. Motivations for Organized Gang Stalking vary. I could go on and on talking about this situation but I will stop here. If this becomes a frequent act, it could be termed antisocial behavior and being rude on the part of the person involved. I do not know whether these programs will ever be exposed. This could also wake me from a dead sleep. Kill me,torture me and more. ( now dispense w an action plan soldier cuz time is limited! Remind yourself that while you cannot keep someone who is passive-aggressive from slamming doors or pouting, you can control your response. Multiple neighbor bedrooms, including my old bedroom, were in close proximity to that door. They will try to form friendships with targets. Good luck. First off I think it is terrific you actually have doors to shutmost administrative assistants do not. Thank you for this information. Knowing she is doing it on purpose makes it ten times worse. Subject is coming touch nose with hand or handkerchief, 2. The stalkers have the upper hand and we have no one on our side to help stop this illegal activity. Fix it and take pleasure in your peace of mind. PEOPLE WHERE I WORK AT THE LEWISBURG COOP IN TN ARE TRYING TO STOP THIS AND IM SO GRATEFUL AS WELL AS PAST COACHES AND FRIENDS AND THEIR PARENTS AND IM FOREVER GRATEFUL. Yet this is being done now to a few who are growing in numbers by the day. Right now, your sloppy narrative is aiding and abetting these criminals and is not helping this situation one bit. Building a few desks to serve me in my home, study, and the office was a very tough process. Ghosting is also designed to make others question the sanity of the victim, especially if the victim attempts to complain of the abuse. If people are paid to participate in this stalking scene, where does the money come from?
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