The Necronomicon mentions an entity, Nia-Ubb-Hrgath, within a ritual to Shub-Niggurath, but says little more; however, it appears to some that Nia-Ubb-Hrgath is an alternative name for Utulls-Hrher, and so the connection to Shub-Niggurath is established in these scholars minds. At the end of this period, the person should attempt an INT or Mathematics roll, both at Extreme difficulty: if successful, they have solved the puzzle; if not, they must begin anew, although the period of time is now halved. Powers Wailing: hearing this avatars maddening wail provokes a Sanity roll in addition to its appearance (1/1D6 loss). Most will be repelled and feel a profound sense of unease at their alienness. If reduced to zero hit points, Zu-che-quon vanishes in an instant, retreating to its lair in space and unable to manifest for 4D100+100 years. Dark is the mind of those who would prostrate themselves before Cxaxukluth. Cult Kassogtha has little organized earthly following, seemingly only worshipped by solitary practitioners of magic and those crazed enough to embrace disease as a force for transformation. Little is known regarding its life or origin, although Volume X of the Revelations of Glaaki makes mention of Mguleloc, stating it exists below the cradle of Glaaki (whatever that may mean). It would appear that, from time to time, ShubNiggurath sends forth a human-seeming avatar, generally known as the Lady of the Woods. In Arwassas presence, most animals will either flee or immediately grow savage and attack anything nearby. From without it shall come, a frothing conglomeration of spheres of unearthly hue, each joined by threads of rippling and protoplasmic flesh, flowing outward and inward. Powers Call Cats: can instantaneously summon dozens of cats to her side to perform her will. Those who were fully possessed fall dead when Ygolonac departs their body. If the second roll is also successful, the poison has been resisted. Witnessing this attack costs onlookers 1/1D10 Sanity points. Its flesh was a loathsome white, all the more hideous for the moons light, while from its back rose three curling spines, and it possessed no discernable arms. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: HZIULQUOIGMNZHAH Possible Blessings Armor of Cykranosh: ac c o u n t s s u g ge s t t h a t Hziulquoigmnzhah blesses certain followers with a casing of metal, which acts to make them impervious to assault. Immune to heat, cold, acid, and electrical attacks. Atop this spherical body, mostly hidden, is a great vermillion cup-like orifice, as though a flower bursting forth, with fleshy petal-like appendages circling the center. Being a living shadow, Han is immune to mundane weapons (incl. What canon or classification exists is a human device, fallible and unproven. But, seen in a different light, the crossbreeding of Yog-Sothoth with other powers, may be a worrying means to populate and expand the entitys presence across space-time. NYARLATHOTEP: MONSTROUS AVATARS Fighting Crush AHTU 100% (50/20), damage 6D6 100% (50/20), damage 15D6 Armor 20-point hardened skin. The deep ones worship Leviathan, holding rituals that are designed to calm its destructive qualities, or at least keep them in relative check. Cthugha is said to dwell near to the star Fomalhaut shackled and bound by Elder wards. PHAROL (Lesser Old One/Unique Entity) Cult A small cult of humans seeks to worship Pharol. The letter Y is pronounced as it is in yore. OI is pronounced as in noise. 252 Entity Pronunciation Abhoth AB-hauth Aforgomon a-FOER-goe-mon Ahtu AL-Mo-zz Aphoom-Zhah AH-foom ZHAH Arwassa ahr-WAH-sah Atlach-Nacha AT-lach NACH-ah Azathoth AZ-ah-thoth BMoth BEE-moth Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg BOT ZOO-kah-mog Bast BAST Bugg-Shash BUG SH-ASH Byatis BEE-yat-is Chaugnar Faugn SHOG-ner FAHN Chorazin CHOR-ah-zin Cthugha kuh-THOOG-hah Cthulhu kuh-THOO-loo Cthylla kuh-THILL-a Cxaxukluth AX-uh-klut Cyegha sigh-AE-guh Cymaeghi sigh-MAY-gli Cythulos sigh-thu-LOS PRONUNCIATION GUIDE OF MYTHOS NAMES Entity Pronunciation Entity Pronunciation Dagon & Hydra DAE-gon & HIGH-druh Qyth-az Quee-et-az Daoloth DAE-oe-loth Quachil Uttaus KWAH-chil oo-TOSS Eihort IGH-hort Rhan-Tegoth ran-TEE-goth Fthaggua fuh-THAG-wah Rlim Shaikorth rlim SHAE-koerth Ghatanothoa gah-tahn-oe-THOE-ah Saaitii Sa-EYY-TEE Ghizguth GIZ-gooth Sebek SEB-bek Ghroth Gg-ROTH Shub-Niggurath shub-NEE-ger-ARTH Glaaki GLA-AK-ee Shudde Mell shood-ih-MEL Gnophkehs nauf-KAEZ Tawil atUmr ta-WIHL at-OOM-er Gol-goroth GOL-goe-roth Trunembra TROO-nem-brah Groth-golka groth-GOEL-kah Tsathoggua zah-THOG-wah Hastalk has-TAHL-ik Tulzscha TULZ-SHA Hastur has-TOOR Ubbo-Sathla OO-boe SAT-lah Hziulquoigmnzhah ZOO-lih-kwoy-MOEZ-ha Utulls-Hrher OO-tuls-HE-RER Idh-yaa ID-yah Vorvadoss VOER-va-does Iod IGH-od Vulthoom vuhl-THOOM Ithaqua ITH-uh-kwah Xada-Hgla ZAE-dah-GLAE Kassogtha kas-SOG-thah Ygolonac ee-GOE-laun-ahk Kruschtya Equation ROOSH-tih-YAH Yegg-ha yeg-HA Lilith lil-LEETH Yibb-Tstll yib-TIS-tuhl Mguleloc Mm-GUL-i-LOCH Yidhra YID-rah Madam Yi Madam Yee Yig YIG Mhithrha meeh-ITH-uh-RAH Yog-Sothoth YAHG-sau-thoth Mordiggian mor-DIJ-ih-an Yolanda Yo-land-RAH Nctosa & Nctolhu en-TOW-sah & en-CHOL-hoo Ythogtha yih-THOG-thah Nodens NOE-denz Yumengtis You-meng-TIS Nug & Yeb NOOG & YEHB Zathog ZATH-ahg Nyarlathotep NIGH-ar-LAT-hoe-tep Zhar & Lloigor ZAR & LOI-gore Nyogtha nee-OG-thah Zoth Syra & Yoth Kala ZOTH SEE-rah & YOTH-Kal-a Ossadagowah oe-sah-DAH-gwah Zoth-Ommog ZOTH-oe-mogg Pharol FAR-el Zu-che-quon ZOO-shae-kwan 253 M o n s t e r M a s t e r Powers Name s h e e t Damage Bonus Attack Description SAN Loss STR CON SIZ DEX INT POW MOV Build Skills Hit Points Powers SAN Loss Hit Points MOV Build ) ) ) ) ) Spells Attack DEX INT POW / / / / / Damage Bonus Description STR CON SIZ %( %( %( %( %( Damage Armor Magic Points Name Skill Skills Skill %( %( %( %( %( Armor Magic Points Spells copyright 2020 Chaosium Inc. 109 CHAPTER 2 m a l The King in Yellow, lord of Carcosa Sanity Loss: initially none (when the Pallid Mask is worn); 1D3/1D10 Sanity loss if the Kings mask is removed or revealed to be its face. Engulf: the target is engulfed if they are unable to successfully Dodge the attack (i.e. It is uncertain whether the pair rules deep one society on a day to day basis or whether they exist within but apart from that society, as figureheads or elders of great wisdom who are, mostly, left to their own contemplation. Believed to be an avatar or some form of emanation from Great Cthulhu, the appearance of BMoth appears rare, with but a few accounts set down in text. Finally, we come to the blood of Yibb-Tstll, the black milk. AlongsideThe Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic, it will be part of the wish list of all fans of the system.". If we take such matters as accepted, it would seem probable that Utulls-Hrher seeks escape and freedom. Trunembra, angel of music Sanity Loss: 1D4/2D10 Sanity points to hear or experience Trunembra. Accounts speak of researchers of the strange and forbidden finding certain tomes speaking to them when reading of the Unspeakable One, which appears to mirror the strange voice heard in dreams of those possessing effigies or idols of the god. bullets) deal minimum damage. 60 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Cult This entity is said to be revered by some isolated communities in Polynesia, Hawaii, and along the coastal regions of the Arctic, who refer to the deity with a variety of names, usually transformed into local dialect though associated myths. Other names: Arwena, Babalon/Babylon, Lady of Abominations, the Huntsman, the Red Woman. If reduced to zero hit points, Rhan Tegoth turns to stone. The shadow from is only invisible in total darkness and is a physical thing (able to be harmed should it be detected). Not only mentioning every major Mythos entity, the book also throws in The Thing (1982), The Martians of The War of the Worlds, and The Wicker Man (1973) and several of Stephen King's characters are Nyarlathotep's avatars. Given its immense wisdom, it would be unsurprising if other Mythos beings did not, from time to time, commune in some fashion with Yog-Sothoth, and so such connections mentioned may simply be extensions of this fact. Encounters Shroud of Bliss: those who enter the mist emanating around and from this deity may fall into a dream-like hypnotic state if a Hard POW is failed. Copyright 2022 Stout theme by, shooting in south central los angeles today, Berkshire Eagle Obituaries For The Past Week, you look familiar, have we met before pick up line, physical therapy 151 main street shrewsbury, ma, kelsey's spicy honey citrus dressing recipe, dishonored: death of the outsider best bone charms, sharp grossmont medical records phone number. Thus, this Old One is perceived by some to be not an especially malevolent entity, as, on occasions, it has spared the life of those who are on good terms with the ghouls; however, for those who work against the interests of the ghouls (its chosen ones), Mordiggians fury is allconsuming and without pity. Ygolonacs earthly manifestations present the entity as human-like in appearance (although possessing no head), giving rise to speculation that this deity is greatly connected to this planet and, according to some, imprisoned here within a walled-off chamber connected to a subterranean network of tunnels, possibly somewhere in England. As the manifestation culminates, the sound of flapping may be heard. Of course, if able to make the acquaintance of a ghoul, one may hear of such matters firsthand, if one can overcome the ghouls propensity for violence and its smell. Travel through these doors may lead to any location or time of the Keepers choosing. Those able to travel via magical or super-science means may find themselves in the wrong place at the right time, perhaps even on a planet about to be consumed. Darkness lies at its heart: its two red eyes burn as though they were stars, while its long, rope-like hair billows, flows, and weaves upon the breeze. Lovecraft Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. The target may break free with an opposed STR roll. Cymaeghi, the weeping eye Sanity Loss: 1D10/1D100 Sanity points. For each round inside the deity, a person suffers 1D4 damage and the loss of 1D10 STR, DEX, CON, and APP points; lost STR, DEX, and CON regenerate at 5 points per day of rest, although APP loss is permanent. A feeling that things are crawling over ones skin, and a general nausea that threatens vomiting. The exceedingly rare Book of Gnophkehs, written by Knapp, might contain the best illustration of the Old One (but care should be taken, as many dismiss Knapp as crazed and overly imaginative). Base emotions flare and cruel rage is the likely result. Immune to mundane weapons (incl. Cult Few humans worship Zu-che-quon and what groups exist are disparate and unconnected. Others claim there is no link between the two, saying that Rlim Shaikorth was star-born and was drawn to the planets plentiful supply of easily gathered food. Contained within this mighty sphere are Nug and Yeb, the twin monstrosities, ever joined in perpetual union. One may suppose that should Earth and humanity one day become an inconvenience, Nodens would happily destroy or tamper with us. In both cases, such worship is either hidden or shunned by the majority, causing some to obfuscate their beliefs behind more conventional trappings, such as certain snake charmers or snake-handling sects. The pre-historical record (such as it is) has accounts concerning the worship of bird-like deities, and most scholars agree that temples to Groth-Golka existed in ancient BalSagoth, Atlantis, and Hyperborea. After studying and selecting the fiendish mythos beast you plan to throw at your players, keep your epic 2 volume slipcase in your library and come to the table with gorgeously illustrated cards with all relevant information at your fingertips! Whether such different accounts are true or merely confused in some manner remains to be seen. Many favorites of the Mythos find their way on to these pages Azathoth, Great Cthulhu, Tsathoggua, Yog-Sothothas well as plenty of less common creationsByatis, Idh-yaa, Rhan Tegoth, and Vorvadoss, to name but a few. If reduced to zero hit points, Yog-Sothoth departs this plane of existence. Immense entities beyond human understanding, and here portrayed through pain-staking research in vivid detail. Instead you will have an antiquarian or professor who learns one or two spells in an individual adventure; uses them to defeat that adventure's specific threat (at personal cost); and then never uses them again. Whether motivated by all-encompassing desire to kill all life, or this being a method of sustaining its own life, is unknown, although the term cannibalism has been used more than once in connection with this deity. Idh-yaa consumes cosmic matter, perhaps in a similar manner to what humanity calls black holes, and has been said to have devoured lesser entities carried to it on the cosmic tides; perhaps, such raw material becomes reconstituted and rebirthed in strange forms or as larval beings. While often female in aspect, the avatar is said to also take a male form, although this remains unconfirmed. Whether Elder magics hold this entity to its dwelling beneath Mount Antarktos is uncertain, as the explanation could equally be the gods desire to possess or protect the Black Cone (whatever it may be).
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