The debates about maritime shipping in Japan alluded to in the first paragraph were most directly connected to which of the following nineteenth-century developments? College Board AP Classroom Unit 5 Progress Check: MCQ 3-0-0-0- Question 15 Step 1: N,Os + NO +NO (slow) Step 2: NO, + NO, NO, +NO+O, (fast Step 3: NO. Anthony Trollope, British novelist, autobiography written during the 1870s and published after his death in 1882 Which of the following is most likely the immediate cause of the first appearance of Huntington's disease in a person? The transportation development described in the excerpt had which of the following effects on agriculture in the United States? You'll take this AP exam at the end of your year-long AP Spanish Language and Culture course Review AP Multiple Choice Questions 3 Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more The Unit Two Progress Check with multiple choice questions is . unit 2 progress check mcq ap human geography quizlet; . It caused General Sherman to defect to the Confederacy. I mean this not as a matter of blame, but I state it simply as a fact." The disparities of wealth mentioned by Parkinson in the passage are best explained in the context of the, high profits and low wages associated with manufacturing industries in the nineteenth century. 15. Answer: B) Increased demand for resources and markets for goods, A) Increased need for laborers on railroad-building projects If this activity does not load, try refreshing your browser. For sexually reproducing diploid parent cells, which of the following statements best explains the production of haploid cells that occurs in meiosis but not in mitosis? The procedure for the genetics experiment is summarized in Figure 1. Trollope's characterization of democracy in the second paragraph can best be seen as a direct reference to which aspect of the historical situation in the late nineteenth century? By 1900, the state controlled some 70 percent of the railways and owned vast tracts of land, numerous mines and oil fields, and extensive forests. Yataro Iwasaki, president of the Mitsubishi Company, letter to company managers, 1876 D) Charles W. Eliot Transmission pattern for sex chromosomes of a woman heterozygous for hemophilia A into gametes Which of the following best describes the comparative change in kilometers of railroad lines in Britain and France from 1830 to 1850? How did women participate in Latin American revolution? A) They came to believe that they had a moral obligation to help improve society to address the needs of the working and middle classes. D) The workplace became more tightly organized and structured. AP Lang Unit 5 Progress Check MCQ Answers Flashcards | Quizlet *The data for Germany include all German states with the exception of Austria. C) Reformers encouraged city residents to fight corruption by joining utopian communities. Answer: C) Increasing support for laissez-faire economic policies. Plant cells will be unable to perform glycolysis due to the inhibitor and will die. C) members of the American Protective Association A) The fur trade developed in the 1600s, fostering new forms of interactions between peoples. The separation between the different classes, and the consequent ignorance of each other's habits and condition, are far more complete in this place than in any other country in Europe, or even in the rural areas of Britain. D) The ban on immigration from eastern Asia. . D) Workers from Latin America were excluded from immigrating by federal laws. The six scenes in the center are surrounded by portraits of famous British inventors and scientists. D) They challenged federal policies that set aside western land to establish reservations for American Indians. B) improvements in transportation 9. He agreed with these efforts as the best and most efficient method. E) helped to educate immigrant children, C) took little interest in legislative reforms, Which of the following did NOT contribute to the development of suburbs in the United States? In subsequent decades, it diversified into mining, manufacturing, and other fields. C) The recognition by federal courts of labor union bargaining rights. Buffalo hunters decimated the herds that sustained Indians and settlers encroached on tribal lands. D) terms of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, The chief cause of farm protest in the late 19th century was, The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 is most closely associated with, B) hostility to foreigners in western states, According to the Turner thesis, the frontier encouraged all of the following EXCEPT, After the Granger laws run into legal problems and were overturned in the case of Wabash v. Illinois, Congress attempted to provide relief through the, The main result of the crop lien system in the South in the late 19th century was, The New South movement promoted all of the following EXCEPT, The Supreme Court upheld "seperate but equal" accommodations for public transportation in the case of. C) inflate the value of assets and profits before selling the stock B) The percentage of women in the labor force decreased. B) The creation of the sharecropping system improved agricultural production. Apush Unit 5 Progress Check - The very word 'equality' presents to the imaginations of men ideas of communism, of ruin, and insane democracy. The economic well-being of Russian private entrepreneurs thus depended in large measure on decisions made by the state authorities in St. Petersburg. 50 percent for sons, 0 percent for daughters. C) Ewen asserts that some immigrants sought personal fulfilment, whereas Bodnar asserts that most immigrants focused on supporting their families over individualism. John Brown led the attack on Harpers Ferry in 1859 because he wanted to see slavery come to an immediate end. Which of the following developments best explains a cause of the historical process described in the excerpt? CollegeBoard AP Classroom Unit 7 Progress Check: MCQ DaVon Wood 9 12 16 18 . The six scenes in the center are surrounded by portraits of famous British inventors and scientists. Leaf growth is promoted through increased photosynthesis, but the genetically regulated rate of stomatal production is not altered, leading to a decrease in stomatal density. Source 1 rejects the ideas because of the threat they represent to multinational empires, whereas Source 2 rejects the ideas because of the universal and equalizing nature of their claims. E) Immigrants were often used as strikebreakers. I regard this not only as my business interest but also as my duty as a citizen. How can we compete against such a giant if we do not have the backing of our national government?" While NASA astronauts are already experienced with the difficulties humans experience in outer space, these problems would be intensified on long-term missions. The P&O Company is backed by its massive capital, large fleet of ships, and experience operating in Hong Kong and China. C) Most immigrants of this period were readily accepted because of their education and wealth. C) Some unions tried to organize both skilled and unskilled workers. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.. B) Immigrants typically acquired their own plots of land and became subsistence farmers. Until Sasha's friends complained, he will live a quiet, uneventful life. C) Populists sought new markets for United States agricultural goods overseas. The students plan to use a significance level of p=0.01. D) Decreased activity in commercial trade across the Atlantic. In subsequent decades, it diversified into mining, manufacturing, and other fields. Some people claim that these treaty rights also allow foreigners to transport Japanese made goods, either around our country or for export to Korea or China. Which of the following best predicts the effect of the chromosomal segregation error shown in Figure 1? Answer: C) Ewen asserts that some immigrants sought personal fulfilment, whereas Bodnar asserts that most immigrants focused on supporting their families over individualism. Abraham Ascher, historian, The Revolution of 1905: A Short History, book published in 2004 B) Continuing resistance to the formation of labor unions. "Writing now, at an age beyond sixty, I must admit that we do not understand the operations of God's wisdom and are, therefore, unable to tell the causes of the terrible inequalities that we see around us,why so many people should have so little to make life enjoyable, while a few others, not through their own merit, have had gifts poured out to them from a full hand. C) avoided cases involving labor disputes D) Extend international influence through trade. European nations had banned slavery and were unwilling to intervene on behalf of the Confederacy which was fighting to protect slavery. If we don't succeed as a company, it would be useless for the government to try to renegotiate the unequal treaties, or to attempt to further develop Japan's economy. In recent decades, Japan was forced to sign various treaties with foreign powers allowing their ships to proceed freely from one Japanese harbor to another. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Which of the following contributed directly to Great Britain's ability to consolidate or expand its colonial control of interior regions of Asia and Africa in the late nineteenth century? A) Growing influence of populist political arguments. The French Revolution has advanced the principles of Enlightenment. In founding the Mitsubishi company,* my goal has been to help recover for Japan the right of seaborne shipping, so we no longer have to delegate it to foreigners. Some people claim that these treaty rights also allow foreigners to transport Japanese made goods, either around our country or for export to Korea or China. A) Establish a colonial presence overseas. Her sex chromosomes can be designated as XHXh. In each of the following sentences, underline the correct word or words in parentheses. The excerpt best serves as evidence of which of the following historical situations in urban areas in the late 1800s? Example: The Texas (capilol\underline{\text{capilol}}capilol, capital) is on Congress Avenue in Austin; (it's, its\underline{\text{its}}its) dome is magnificent. Which of the following can most accurately be concluded about the broader economic conditions of the period described in the excerpt? B) New commercial centers and communities emerged along rail lines. List the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. The calculated chi-square value is 3.91, and the critical value is 7.82. If the woman and a man with normal clotting function have children, what is the probability of their children exhibiting hemophilia A? AP English Lang and Composition Unit 6 Progre. B) Social reformers achieved many legislative reforms. A ball traveling at a speed rolls off a desk and lands at a horizontal distance away from the desk, as shown inthe figure. B) Most of the immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe. Answer: A) The increase in migration by White settlers. "We can agree that, in principle, it might be a good idea to permit both foreigners and Japanese to engage in coastal and seaborne shipping around and from Japan, because that would increase competition and improve efficiency. B) Improved quality of manufacturing steadily decreased demand for consumer goods. In the fourth sentence of the second paragraph, the authors use the word "qualified" in order to, note a condition that must be met for an observation to be scientific, 6. On each side of the door there is a control cable fastened to the bottom of the door and wound around a drum C. Each of the two drums is connected to a torsion spring, which offers a torsional resistance which increases by 10 NmN \cdot mNm for each revolution of the drum, starting from an unwound position of the spring where x = 0. A political revolution in Germany in 1848 increased immigration to the US. Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 36 The phenotypic influence of individual alleles with different numbers of repeats is shown in Table 1. Advocates unanimously opposed it because it refused to ban gender discrimination. Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 24 The concept of the Gospel of wealth is reflected in all of the following statements EXCEPT The amendment fractured the womens rights movement. APUSH: Unit 5 Test Questions 4.4 (8 reviews) Term 1 / 56 Which of the following states the principle of "popular sovereignty?" Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 56 The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to decide whether or not slavery will be permitted there.
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